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  1. H-evolve

    Looking for drumming services

    Hi, We're a Melo Death band from Montreal, Canada. We are having serious issues finding a good drummer and we're at a point where we just accepted it wouldn't happen for our first album, which we'll be recording this winter. So, I'm looking for someone who would be interested in recording...
  2. H-evolve

    BareKnuckle aftermath help

    Ok, looking online for the proper term that would describe the issue I have is that the Aftermath is having "Microphonic Feedback". So... how do I fix that? It seems related to the fabrication process of the pickups, so apart from changing, is there anything else I can do? Exactly like this...
  3. H-evolve

    BareKnuckle aftermath help

    Hey all, I have some problem with my Ibanez that has BareKnuckle Aftermaths. I just can't setup the height to anything good sounding (enough attack and output) without having a serious feedback problem. I play on an ENGL Savage, which has a Ibanez Tubescream in front. When using my LTD, which...
  4. H-evolve

    Andy Sneap C4 using Reaper Plugin?

    FabFilter MB is 200$...
  5. H-evolve

    Engl amps.

    The difference isn't going to be huge, but it will be slightly noticeable Both options sound good. More bottom with the 4x12. If you can afford it, go for the 4x12. If not, the 2x12 will sound just fine
  6. H-evolve

    Bass tone on a Jaguar type bass help.

    Disclaimer : I'm not a bassist! I own a bass and use it purely to create demos. Therefore, bass tone isn't all that critical, but as most of us here I don't necessarily want it to sound too bad either The issue that I have is as follows I only own a cheap Fender Squier Jaguar bass. I find...
  7. H-evolve

    New album from Psycroptic is great

    I'm sharing the Google Play link , though I don't know if that is how you listen to your music
  8. H-evolve

    New album from Psycroptic is great

    Thought I'd mention it for whoever is wondering what to listen to today. For some reason, I loved the early stuff from Psycroptic, but the last few albums were never getting my attention all that much. I can't put the finger on what they did exactly with this one, but it is truly great. I feel...
  9. H-evolve

    400$ Guitar with 300$ worth of new picks or 700$ guitar?

    I've always wondered if it's not better to buy a cheaper guitar and put awesome pickups in it, or just buy the more expensive one. For example, that dilemma came as I was looking at Jackson Kelly guitars. I was thinking on buying a cheaper JS version (400 CAD) and put Seymour Duncan Pegasus and...
  10. H-evolve

    Orange PPCs hard to record

    I have very little experience with that cab, but, yes. The very few sound tests I did had the same conclusion. I am always surprised by how bad it sounds when mic'd. And, "nasal" is the exact same word I would use also to describe it. However, it does sound quite well in the room, as you...
  11. H-evolve

    Is the Boss TU-3 good enough for recording?

    For the benefit of whoever is reading this post, I might be wrong, but after reading descriptions of the PitchBlack pedal, it seems to also have a "Strobe" mode. Maybe it's something that was recently implemented to make it closer to the rackmount?
  12. H-evolve

    Re-amp DI's, how hot?

    I've had that headache for some time myself. I wouldn't say that I concluded that chapter, but lately I've decided to record the DIs for reamping relatively hot (peaking at -2dB approximately). I don't record the reamped tracks that hot of course, but the decision to go for DIs relatively hot...
  13. H-evolve

    Is the Boss TU-3 good enough for recording?

    Ya to be honest I noticed that... I play a 7-string on standard tuning and I have a hard time tuning the low B, even if I have a long enough scale and decent string gauge (62 for the low B). I'll have a look at that Korg tuner, it got me curious (in the pedal format, not the rackmount)
  14. H-evolve

    Is the Boss TU-3 good enough for recording?

    What don't you like about it if you don't mind me asking? As you probably understood I'm looking for precision. Something precise enough to be a good device to use before recording. Heard about the Korg Pitchblack Pro (the rackmount) as being quite good and precise. So I guess the pedal is the...
  15. H-evolve

    Is the Boss TU-3 good enough for recording?

    Thanks for this. The IRCAM seems quite nice, but a bit over my budget. As for the Polytune, I didn't know they had it in VST version. Do you know if it is much more precise than the TU-3? I would have thought it was quite similar in terms of precision, isn't it?
  16. H-evolve

    Is the Boss TU-3 good enough for recording?

    I came to a realization recently that tuning of your guitar is probably overlooked. I mean, when listening to productions that I find "so great" versus others that I find "ok", I realize that in the "great" productions, the guitars seem, at least to my ears, so freaking perfectly in tune...
  17. H-evolve

    Anybody shopped on Andy James Academy website?

    Hey thanks for letting me know I am not alone in that situation. Regarding my problem, I never received the picks, even if it's been forever. So I kinda "accepted my faith" and that he stole me 30$. And also, I am quite confident he is directly invovled in the Andy James Academy. I follow him...
  18. H-evolve

    PC amp Sims thats sounds as good as axefx and kemper?

    Not my intention to divert this post too much, but I thought the line out from the 6505MH had already IRs loaded into it, that you kinda "had" to use? I just bought one and haven't had the time to read the manual yet.
  19. H-evolve

    Had an SM7B given to me, not sure what to do

    I don't know if this is entirely true... I mean, I don't think the UX2 has great preamps and converters. Obviously, if you buy a 1500$ RME you'll get top of the line stuff, but I was under the impression that the Focusrite stuff, even the low range of their products, in the 250$ ish price range...
  20. H-evolve

    Had an SM7B given to me, not sure what to do

    Sell it and by a new interface? ;)