Search results

  1. L

    Metallica/Anthrax/Fueled/Fuel poll

    I admit Load and Reload werent too great but Im hoping the new album will make up for it.Just please dont slag the band, okay? Everyone has a right to their own opinion.And if anyone tries to slag me for my taste in music I lsiten to Slayer,Megaeth,Pantera an S.O.D. as well as Metallica and...
  2. L

    Is there anyone from Ireland?

    Ok thanks to Bad Mr Frosty.And I guess that stuff makes TD a lot more Irish than most people living here.
  3. L

    Metallica/Anthrax/Fueled/Fuel poll

    No fucking way.I havnt seen the videos so I cant comment on those, but the songs are nothing alike.I love both Anthrax and Metallica and Ive heard both those songs a fuck-load of times. Niether of them have anything to do with it each other. Quit taking pot-shots at Metallica, there fucking great!
  4. L

    Is there anyone from Ireland?

    Sorry it took me so long to reply but Im having trouble logging on the Internet.Why do you want to come to Ireland?
  5. L

    Set Lists

    The new albums coming out in Febuary, right? That means they`ll probably play some stuff off it.They`ll have to play some of their other stuff as well.Crush and Im the Man!Crush and Im the Man! Im going to see them in Dublin.Ths is going to rock.
  6. L

    Is there anyone from Ireland?

    I live in Ireland and im going to Anthrax in Dublin on March 5th. I just want to check if there is anyone else on this board from Ireland who`s going.
  7. L

    Anyone want song New Songs?

    I know you guys are just die-hard Anthrax fans and want to hear their new stuff, but Charlie asked the fans not the download the songs before the album comes out.I figure we should respect his wishes.We owe them that much at least,right?
  8. L

    Never Heard Anthrax before

    Im gonna have to go with 9 on this one.Anthrax rock!
  9. L

    Um, Hello.

  10. L

    Um, Hello.

    Hi! I just kind of stumbled into this place.It is seriously cool, though.Im huge into Metallica,Megadeth,Iron Maiden,Anthrax and Therapy? if any one was wondering.Im mostly a thrash metal fan and if anyone can name any really cool bands Id appreciate it.I also love martial arts,manga and films...
  11. L

    Um, Hello.

    Hi! I just kind of stumbled into this place.It is seriously cool, though.Im huge into Metallica,Megadeth,Iron Maiden,Anthrax and Therapy? if any one was wondering.Im mostly a thrash metal fan and if anyone can name any really cool bands Id appreciate it.I also love martial arts,manga and films...