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  1. S

    Would love a constructive feedback on metalcore mix attempt!

    Agree on the lack of mids, thanks for that. And yea the drummer goes insane on the china's lol.
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    Would love a constructive feedback on metalcore mix attempt!

    It´s not a Soundcloud as Soundcloud is being weird on my computer for some reason. Here a preview of a WIP: Would love some feedback on the sound! Thanks so much in advance, Septura
  3. S

    Need urgent help with this metalcore mixing!

    Gotcha, thank you so much for the tips, harsh has been removed
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    Need urgent help with this metalcore mixing!

    Hello UM, So I was working on this Linkin Park - Crawling metalcore remix/cover and would like some feedback on my current mix. I dont like the way my guitar sounds. I want them to sound like either Thy Art Is Murder, Whitechapel or any other similar band with similar sound (I know they scoop...
  5. S

    Need urgent help with this metalcore mixing!

    Thanks for your reply, Im sorry I posted in the wrong subforum. Can you give me some more detail on the metalzone-eque quality? No idea what you mean by that. But I guess you're right. Because it has this weird tone on it, I probably did something wrong with the impulse settings. I've added...
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    Need urgent help with this metalcore mixing!

    Click the link, underneath the player, the track is private so..
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    Need urgent help with this metalcore mixing!

    Hello UM, So I was working on this Linkin Park - Crawling metalcore remix/cover and would like some feedback on my current mix. I dont like the way my guitar sounds. I want them to sound like either Thy Art Is Murder, Whitechapel or any other similar band with similar sound (I know they scoop...
  8. S

    Need some urgent feedback on how my mix sounds

    Hello guys, I've attempted to mix metalcore/deathcore whatever you want to call it and it turned out like this. This is still a WIP but any help would be appreciated. Need some fresh ears to check it out: Thanks in advance :) P.S. This...
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    Need help with transferring Windows VST's to Mac

    Why are you guys mad because I torrent plugins? Dont tell me you never have done that lmao
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    Need help with transferring Windows VST's to Mac

    None of them are paid. About 15GB of torrented plugins. I guess Ill just have to download all of them again. My next problem I ran into is disk space. I bought the 15 inch Macbook Pro with 256 SSD and 500 GB External HDD. I want to install Logic's vst's and samples on my external, is there...
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    Need help with transferring Windows VST's to Mac

    So I bought a Macbook Pro today, and im installing Logic Pro right now to try it out but I want to have my plugins with me. But theyre .dll files now as they are installed on a Windows machine. Is there a way to easy transfer all those files to this mac's vst folder? Would love some help...
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    HELP! Difficulties getting a professional mix

    Im just trying to achieve a deathcore sound, the one Whitechapel has. And work my own sound from there.
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    HELP! Difficulties getting a professional mix

  14. S

    HELP! Difficulties getting a professional mix

    Yea I already fixed the drums and the bass, but cant get the guitars to work.. I've used TSE X30, EVH 5150 III Impulse and some TSE 808 to get more bite.
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    HELP! Difficulties getting a professional mix Updated :)
  16. S

    HELP! Difficulties getting a professional mix

    Hello everybody, I've been experiencing this problem since I started making metal. My mix just doesnt sound right, especially the guitars. I would love some live help with this problem, we can chat via skype or whatever. Here's an example: I've covered Whitechapel in this one...
  17. S

    HELP! Difficulties getting a professional mix

    Hello everybody, I've been experiencing this problem since I started making metal. My mix just doesnt sound right, especially the guitars. I would love some live help with this problem, we can chat via skype or whatever. Here's an example: I've covered Whitechapel in this one...