Search results

  1. L

    Who's that girl?

    Btw this girl that sings in ORPHANED LAND? Who is she? The apearance in Mabool will be her first with the band? More info anyone?
  2. L

    is dead?
  3. L

    Bad Day Bad News

    Who is PATERA?
  4. L

    Tears / Substance...

    Anyone knows what happen with these Israeli bands TEARS and SUBSTANCE for GOD? I used to like their stuff a lot in the past
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    I tough that was Hagia Sophia...!!!?!!?!?
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    lol Big Brother is watching
  7. L

    Orphaned Land's favourite album

    I voted for EL NORRA...althought I like the demo and Sahara very much... all are great but El Norra has only news stuff and... it possess some most killer riffs in the death metal ever
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    onn nah it's not turkish ... it's Bulgarian... it's just becouse of Kobi's Bulgarian root:) Yeah I know u were in Turkey... I tryed to be well informed what you lazy arses do... I already had thoughts that u got back in the army... :)
  9. L


    I fucking want to know why the hell.... that album is very delayed for so many years. O.L as one of my fave metal bands ever u have to be ashamed... you piss me off!!!! lol Shalom, Dobar Den Kobi btw:)
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    The Member's Art Thread

    ok this is that last lay out... that bothers everyone
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    The cheese in Opeth

    For me it's the cover design for their latest album
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    Vader's "Revelations"

    I like Morbid Reich demo, the demo before Morbid Reich and that old Live Demo when they sang in Polish lol I think it's 86 or smth
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    Dies Irae (Vader, Behemoth)

    yeah the only good Vader is called Darth and he staring in movies
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    Dear Penis
  15. L

    Avril Lavigne is METAL

    She looks like ABBATH
  16. L

    Earache Xmas party

    well... she's nice ... but I like her eyes most
  17. L

    What does your Borknagar collection consist of?

    lol I have some rehersal tape very old one lol
  18. L

    Opeth Font

    ohh damn I know I was jokin:grin:
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    Opeth Font

  20. L

    thoughts on the online metal awards

    it was obvious that OPETH will win... it has the biggest BB here.. and if the awards were done by some other board etc that has own bands their bands would prolly win... so I advide u don't take these awards serious