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    Pics thread part 2: Getting to know your fellow forumers.

    you are much older than I thought. :OMG:
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    Kamelot - Ghost Opera

    seriously who gives a fuck. I love it, you love it, some people hate it, some people don't care one way, whatever. this back and forth is pointless, it's not like anyone's opinion will be changed.
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    Circus Maximus

    yes sir, they are a great band. the best combination of Dream Theater + Symphony X influences of any band I've heard.
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    Kamelot - Ghost Opera

    nope. Ghost Opera is an excellent album, you have poor taste in music.
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    Issue with the final mix of Domination?

    okay I finally listened to this, it is not a click, it's more like a thump. could be from the drums or something hitting a mic. and it's not a big deal either, who fucking cares.
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    I've noticed something incredibly insignificant on a song from Paradise Lost!!!

    so you'd be down with a good old boyfight or two, eh? :lol:
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    Kamelot - Ghost Opera

    well I for one think it's a great album and am glad they decided to try a different sound than rehashing The Black Halo. with an album as perfect as TBH it was inevitable that a lot of "fans" would bitch about *whatever* they put out next. which is pretty sad and doesn't do such a talented...
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    I've noticed something incredibly insignificant on a song from Paradise Lost!!!

    because it would be much more awesome that way. :yow:
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    Favourite song from "Paradise Lost"

    I'm really digging Domination, it's badass!!
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    Paradise Lost - my story so far....

    ahaha OP didn't know about Paradise Lost. :lol:
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    Official Off Topic Thread

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    Kamelot - Ghost Opera

    I love everything Kamelot has done since the fourth legacy, they keep getting better and better. :notworthy
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    Your last purchase??

    symphony x - paradise lost kamelot - ghost opera
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    eww who in their right mind would willingly listen to Dream Theater. :ill:
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    The production of Paradise Lost

    i haven't gotten PL yet. did Romeo produce and engineer the album like he did on the Odyssey? People should cut him some slack, considering he's not a professional mix engineer I think he did a killer job on that album. i'd like to see most artists who compose most of the music as well as...
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    US Election: GO VOTE!

    going to vote after work. These new ballots SUCK, both paper and touchscreen. There was nothing at all wrong with the punch ones, but just because some old tards can't work them, now we get stuck with ones that are much worse.
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    Official Off Topic Thread

    And too cluttered. :heh:
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    Now Playing

    Naglfar - Force of Pandemonium
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    Vitalij Kuprij

    I find his style pretty dull, both solo and Artension. It's the kind of thing that sounds really cool and impressive when you first listen, but quickly wears out. But he has amazing technical skill, for sure.