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  1. ILoveCheesecake


    What...Black Dahlia Murder aint even metalcore...
  2. ILoveCheesecake

    Slipknot/Marilyn Manson

    I saw them at the Bell Centre in Montreal on July 20th and words can barely describe the experience. I've never seen a frontman get the crowd pumped like Corey Taylor did. My favorite song of theirs to hear live was definitely (Sic).
  3. ILoveCheesecake

    any decent metalcore/post hardcore bands?

    ^Pretty good! Always happy to hear bands from my hometown.
  4. ILoveCheesecake

    So, are you a "Poser" if you don't like classic metal?

    No. Why? You don't choose what your music taste is. I didn't decide to not enjoy Black Sabbath, it's just like that. What does make someone a poser though, is not knowing how metal started and not at least respecting classic metal. Like kids who think metal started with Slipknot or similar...
  5. ILoveCheesecake

    Who Are You?

    "that isn't overrun with annoying SJWs" Ughh amen to that. You can't say a damn thing without them getting offended.
  6. ILoveCheesecake

    Seriously bizarre movies

    Watched Tetsuo: The Iron Man last week and I've honestly never been more disturbed. Surprisingly it's on the list of 1001 movies you need to see before you die.
  7. ILoveCheesecake

    Who Are You?

    name: Laurasia (Laurie for short) favorite band: My Chemical Romance something unusual about me: I wasn't into any kind of rock or metal until a year ago. Before that, 90% of what I listened to was classical and showtunes. favorite sport: ice hockey favorite team: Montreal Habs
  8. ILoveCheesecake

    Kid thinks it's weird for girls to like heavy music

    This kid had the nerve to post on a Chelsea Grin video that he can't imagine girls listening to heavy music. When I asked why he said this: "because women are sweet and men are violent by nature" First of all, no. It's not 1370 anymore. Second, a toilet can make heavier music than any deathcore...
  9. ILoveCheesecake

    any decent metalcore/post hardcore bands?

    Blessthefall are one of the best metalcore bands out there.
  10. ILoveCheesecake

    So, are you a "Poser" if you don't like classic metal?

    "You Europeans don't understand what us Americans created" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAAAAAAA Oh my god...that's cute xD
  11. ILoveCheesecake

    So, are you a "Poser" if you don't like classic metal?

    Doesn't make it a good idea.
  12. ILoveCheesecake

    What's the meaning of your username?

    As much as I really do love cheesecake, my username is based on a meme xD "I love cheesecake at night time, really late at night"
  13. ILoveCheesecake

    So, are you a "Poser" if you don't like classic metal?

    Um no...some people just aren't into it, you can't dismiss someone as a poser for not having a specific taste.
  14. ILoveCheesecake

    The Band Name Game

  15. ILoveCheesecake

    How did you discover Nightwish?

    I honestly don't even know. It was about a year ago, I think I may have seen a Kerrang! article on them on facebook and was curious so I checked them out. At first the only song I really loved was Amaranth, they took several months to grow on me.
  16. ILoveCheesecake

    Whats your favorite song?

    Slaves to Substance.
  17. ILoveCheesecake

    The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

    I'm really digging this right now.
  18. ILoveCheesecake


    I started listening to this band a few weeks ago because youtube kept recommending them to me so I gave in. I'm glad I did, their music is absolutely eargasmic. Highly recommened if you like Nightwish, Epica, or power/symphonic metal in general. The first song of theirs I listened to was The...
  19. ILoveCheesecake

    Do you listen to any other genres?

    I just listen to a few metal bands. Most of the bands I like are pop punk, alt rock, or metalcore. And I love classical, especially baroque!
  20. ILoveCheesecake


    I'm Laurie, I'm 17 and not really a metalhead since I'm a fan of just a few metal bands. I joined this site to discover metal bands I might like and maybe talk about deathcore and symphonic metal with others who enjoy them. My favorite band in general is My Chemical Romance but my favorite...