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  1. tragician

    Alexi passed away

    It was written in the memorial book at The Riff that it was the 30th day. I saw it. But maybe the person arranging the memorial didn't know the exact date and wrote down the date when they were informed?
  2. tragician

    Alexi passed away

    Makes it hit home on a completely different level. Lepää rauhassa Allu. I would like to also note that Roope in Kelli's post does not mean Latvala, I have already seen people ask about it.
  3. tragician

    Alexi passed away

    Yeah I said that about the law but later in I posted a translation of that whole marriage issue. Turns out I was actually wrong, the wife gets everything in this case. It's been a few years since my finnish law course in high school lol.
  4. tragician

    Live Videos Thread

    Haha maybe there is a VHS of that somewhere... I remember having a dream where I discovered an unreleased VHS tape of some 90's COBTV, they were driving in the middle of nowhere in the wintertime. Alexi had a leather jacket and a red flannel shirt and he was being filmed as he smoked on the...
  5. tragician

    Alexi passed away

    I made a list of the ones I know about. Interesting stuff.
  6. tragician

    Alexi passed away

    Alexi got me over suicidal thoughts. I have to admit this whole situation made me think of those things again. But I'm pretty damn sure Alexi would beat the shit out of me in afterlife if I gave in to stuff like that. Art is the door out of this. We'll meet again for sure, I believe in it 100%...
  7. tragician

    Alexi passed away

    I was told this by my mom just a moment ago: "Don't expect yourself to get over it fast. You are going through grief, don't hold it back, it's something you have to go through and you will just make it last longer if you try to ignore it. Talk about it, cry about it, laugh about it. But don't...
  8. tragician

    Alexi passed away

    Made a new thread, totally agree with you. Please let's continue the latest drama there.
  9. tragician

    Alexi passed away

    Man I didn't believe it but I can't exactly start arguing with his sister.
  10. tragician

    Alexi passed away

    Questions: Why would Alexi be worried about where his money is going if he didn't know he's going to die? Why would Alexi not have been able to divorce from Kimberly if it's possible in Finland to officialize a divorce with only one person's signature? Why would Alexi propose to Kelli if he was...
  11. tragician

    The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

    New Moon Shot song just dropped, it's called Blood Looks Cool! It's much better than Big Bang, though I think it will probably get the same kind of response on this forum because people are more into metal in general lol But I like it a lot actually! Very Placebo sounding which is great because...
  12. tragician

    COB Interviews

    Could mean Tägtgren lol :D
  13. tragician

    COB Interviews COB at Abyss Studios, Rumba, October 2000 this is a good one. I just hate that there's no way to translate it into english how Alexi used to talk. He used such expressive language, it was nothing like the way he spoke english. There's just so...
  14. tragician

    Alexi passed away

    Yeah and if he really has written songs it would be interesting to hear them! If he doesn't want to have a band or release and album he could post them on youtube? Some stories from him and him showing things on his guitar would be really nice. He is so talented it's a shame we haven't heard...
  15. tragician

    COB Interviews

    Alexi & Jaska visiting Lake Bodom in 2015, like I was 120% sure I had this already translated but I can't find it anywhere. But well my english has improved since 2015 so idk here
  16. tragician

    COB Interviews Jaska's studio diary from 2004.
  17. tragician

    COB Pics

    For some reason this pic makes me feel really weird. It's taken at the venue where I saw COB for the first time ever. I have been on that backstage. My band practiced in that venue. We were gathering our gear into a car to get to our own show at the same time as COB was bringing stuff and we had...
  18. tragician

    Alexi passed away

    I totally understand why the family wants to keep things private but at this point I have seen such weird speculations that it would really just be for the good of everyone just to say it, what happened, when. I'm sure there's nothing too suspicious about it. Back to the coincidences. Going...
  19. tragician

    Alexi passed away I'm so fuckin tired you won't believe BUT I got this somehow translated. The law and marriage related words were giving me some headaches but there's a link in there where there's some better explanations on how divorce works in finland
  20. tragician

    Alexi passed away

    Maan that made me cry :(((