Search results

  1. Burzum_Maiden

    Death Metal bands with long songs?

    Gorguts come to mind. Their last album Colored Sands was amazing, and they released an EP earlier this year that consists of one 30 minute song. Pretty atmospheric and technical, but not overproduced like so much technical death metal is these days. They're a great example of a band who just...
  2. Burzum_Maiden

    Any good jazz fusion recommendations?

    Agreed! That's what I love about the bass, it's so versatile when played well. It can help the drums keep rhythm while also adding to what the guitars are playing (and horns, keyboards/pianos etc. in a jazz setup).
  3. Burzum_Maiden

    Any good jazz fusion recommendations?

    I love the guitar soloing, and that bass line in the background is really hypnotic. I'll check out some more of his stuff. And thanks for the Mahavishnu Orchestra recommendation, I enjoy some of Billy Cobham's solo stuff so I'll be interested to check that out.
  4. Burzum_Maiden

    Any good jazz fusion recommendations?

    Thanks, I'll check him out!
  5. Burzum_Maiden

    Best Thrash Singer

    Snake is great. I consider Voivod more of a prog metal band than thrash, but he's a great vocalist anyway.
  6. Burzum_Maiden

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    I prefer Trout Mask Replica 1000 times to Safe as Milk, but I see why you say that. They're both fantastic I reckon, just personal preference
  7. Burzum_Maiden

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Feeling a bit overwhelmed. Here I am, in the middle of an OE and I find out that my grandmother has pretty serious form of cancer. What makes it worse is that my grandfather also has cancer, and has had it for a while too - he's okay for now but it's looking like 2 of my 3 remaining grandparents...
  8. Burzum_Maiden

    What are you listening to now ?

    My favourite modern thrash band and one of the most unique sounding out there. These guys are pretty fucking cool too. Good atmospheric death metal straight from a Canadian cavern.
  9. Burzum_Maiden

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    Trout Mask Replica dude! That album kicks ass.
  10. Burzum_Maiden

    Best Thrash Singer

    Formation of Damnation is one of their best in my opinion. Maybe not for solos, but definitely for riffs.
  11. Burzum_Maiden

    Top 10 Heavy Metal Albums

    I've been making my way through Seventh Son recently, I haven't really had time to sit down and listen to it in full since I've been busy lately (as can be seen from my lack of activity here), and holy shit it's amazing... Moonchild kicks ass, it's got to be one of Maiden's best opening songs...
  12. Burzum_Maiden

    Alternative Metal: Does it exist or not?

    Seems about right to me. Certain bands like RATM seem to have a strong political influence akin to many metal bands, but I think it's more of a punk influence than a metal one. On a side note I've heard people calling grunge a style of metal in the past. Particularly guys from Seattle and DC...
  13. Burzum_Maiden

    Songs currently kicking your ass.

    Bad Brains are pretty badass.
  14. Burzum_Maiden

    Songs currently kicking your ass.

    Thank you for that, I've been intending on checking out Voivod for a while but for some reason never got round to it. I'm gonna need to listen to some more now, any recommendations for good albums?
  15. Burzum_Maiden

    How much do you fucking hate The Beatles?

    Wikipedia should never have gotten rid of the jokes... :tickled:
  16. Burzum_Maiden

    How much do you fucking hate The Beatles?

    Megadeth are kicking way more ass nowadays, but I thought Death Magnetic was pretty good too (for what it was). It certainly doesn't compare to their early stuff, but it's pretty strong. Oh and James' voice is better than Dave's these days. Case in point: the vocals on the Rust in Peace...
  17. Burzum_Maiden

    How much do you fucking hate The Beatles?

    That is the most amazing thing I seen today. Never forget The Table.
  18. Burzum_Maiden

    How much do you fucking hate The Beatles?

    True. The Beatles were about as influential to early metal as any band who was considered proto-punk or proto-metal from the 60s. You do know that entire album was just one giant troll, right? It's blatantly obvious but no one recognises it, and instead bitch about how bad it was. Besides, Lou...
  19. Burzum_Maiden

    How much do you fucking hate The Beatles?

    Thinking about it I probably would too... I'm not worthy of round frames. Or I'd have to work up to being worthy.
  20. Burzum_Maiden

    How much do you fucking hate The Beatles?

    Round frames are the best. If I wore glasses I would have them, definitely.