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  1. Trollhouse

    Would anyone be interested in mastering an album?

    Many people could definitely be interested, but without any further info on the style and your budget (a.k.a. are you able to pay or are you looking for someone to do it for free) it´s really hard to say anything. Would it be possible to elaborate these publicly?
  2. Trollhouse

    Black Metal Stems with Real Drums for your Mixing Pleasure

    Necroing the topic, sorry! I really enjoyed mixing this sort of chaotic BM and wanted to take a bit different approach to it his time. I wanted to make the overall production a bit more nastier and a bit more "european" in a way and the guitar DI's are actually driven through a Metal Zone...
  3. Trollhouse

    God Disease, old school death metal

    I originally made a "old school" mix for fun of this track, but here´s another approach as well with a bit more modern style. Sorry for necroing this one, I´ve been intending to post this for weeks but I´ve always forgotten to do it, hah!
  4. Trollhouse

    deathcore mastering practise anyone?

    Hello, my first post here on the forum. Here´s my mastered version of the song- let´s see how you like it!