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  1. SpiralTapir


    How do you write and remember lyrics?
  2. SpiralTapir

    How to growl like travis ryan?

    I'd say if you can get the Jaymee Vendera extreme vocals CD, you should as it is very detailed and will at least steer you in the right direction without damaging your vocals. A majority of vocal power comes from your diaphragm so learning to breathe from your stomach rather than your chest...
  3. SpiralTapir
  4. SpiralTapir

    How to growl like travis ryan?

    From listening to his vocals on Cattle Decapitation (if I have the wrong guy please let me know) it looks like he gives off very little air unlike, just for example reasons, Mark Jansen from Epica. Could you please give an example as to what you mean with growls, everyone seems to have their...
  5. SpiralTapir

    RockTalk Podcast!

    Hey guys, I started a podcast a few months ago where I interview musicians, promoters and venue owners but the twist is a greater emphasis on the guests personality. I have great fun doing it and absolutely love the different types of people that I have gotten to converse with so far, and hope...
  6. SpiralTapir

    Post your music here if you want people to comment on it

    All I currently have is a demo but it's pretty decent if I say so myself, will be recording an EP not too long from now. I hope you guys enjoy!
  7. SpiralTapir

    Free mix!

    Hey guys I am looking to hone my mixing skills some more by mixing someone else's material for free. "Nothing is ever free", true however I would be getting paid in experience. Please PM me if interested and want to discuss more details. Looking forward to hearing from you sexy people ;)
  8. SpiralTapir

    Introductions of a roadman

    Hi all! So a bit about myself, I write music and sing in a band named City of Rapture and I run a music podcast named RockTalk. My favourite bands are: Rammstein Dethklok/Brendon Small Firewind Frank Zappa and a ten ton hammer more.... Outside of music I watch a lot films and read books that...