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  1. MagSec4

    Political discussions and other rants about useless things like culture

    I'm not even from here and I'm almost embarrassed that someone outside the U.S. knows of Glenn Beck. Very recently, when approaching a colleague, I noticed he was reading a big yellow book (on the style of "for dummies"), written by Glenn Beck, titled "Arguing with Idiots". How's that for an...
  2. MagSec4

    Calling all the Germans

    From my experience, many Germans didn't care much for Frankfurt. Maybe they thought it was more of a cold, boring, no-nonsense, all-business, type of place. I personally thought it was pretty cool. I do like how different cities in Germany all have their own unique feel to them, look, and...
  3. MagSec4


    I liked District 9. It's one of those stories that may be about aliens but says more of human nature than anything. In that sense, it reminds me of Starship Troopers, which I always thought was underrated. It was easily dismissed as being a typical, superficial, action/sci-fi, special-effects...
  4. MagSec4

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    DoC, rahvin: I heard that too. I took you Europeans for luxuriously-long-vacation-having samamamitches. Not-so-GONEhyena: I'm sorry to hear that. Good luck with the procedure.
  5. MagSec4


    Evolution ;) Imperfections and fuck-ups when the language is reproduced and passed down through time. e.g. It's how we got 'Night', 'Nacht', 'Natt', etc., in modern times.
  6. MagSec4

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    But I do. As a matter of fact, you just reminded me of this file I have in my computer from years ago: Do you remember this:
  7. MagSec4

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    Yes, holy fuck indeed. Who are you? ..or rather, were you known under a different name in the past?
  8. MagSec4

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    The times are coming... Repent!
  9. MagSec4

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    Either you got hit a lot worse than us across the river, or you're all a bunch of sissies :P Villain: There's nothing to be sorry about.
  10. MagSec4

    the dynamite politics thread

    So you resent them and are angry at them because your government gives them free education, housing, and jobs? Justifiably or not, maybe you should be mad at your government instead. This is just like all those unskilled rednecks in the U.S. that hate Blacks and Mexicans because "they're...
  11. MagSec4

    the dynamite politics thread

    Come to think of it, such an argument (for mass-secessions and re-drawing political boundaries all over the place) would also pretty much foster the idea that we should all be segregated into groups that keep to themselves, and that humanity just absolutely will never learn to coexist; which...
  12. MagSec4

    the dynamite politics thread

    As opposed to the amount of instability and human suffering that's undergone, and continues to undergo, among and within all those artificially created states? Naturally, something like that will have some immediate unfortunate consequences. But I think the phrase "..the enormous reconstruction...
  13. MagSec4

    the dynamite politics thread

    Oh my god. If they feel there is, at least as an idea, a "Great Albania" it is because they feel connected as a people and as a culture that shares a heritage. Especially in their case, since they seem to be hated and mistreated by everyone else all around them. Since it seems people don't...
  14. MagSec4

    The Person Above Me II

    ^ looks like a rain-ready tomato saying: "fuck!'s a sunny day"
  15. MagSec4

    the USA thread -

    Your sister does. She told me last night she was planning to move to Cuba after Easter.
  16. MagSec4

    Dark Tranquillity to tour North America this spring

    Shit, May 11 is likely a conflicting date for me. I'd love to be there. If I can, I certainly will. And I'm almost definitely going to that one (in Jersey, April 25).
  17. MagSec4

    the USA thread -

    ORly? in Cuba? The U.S. is such a child about things sometimes.. (My official contribution to "the USA thread")
  18. MagSec4

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    Of course. My reply was (what I had hoped would be) childish cynical humor EDIT: What did you read, Hiljie? ..or rather what was your "mental post" about? :P
  19. MagSec4

    The Person Above Me II

    ^ lives in the wrong side of the Hudson river :grin:
  20. MagSec4

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    If girl loves boy, why would girl find ways to look "like a complete twat" in front of boy..especially every day?