Search results

  1. P

    violent asylum

    *bumps while everyone is on talkin bout 03 and ideas for 04* :wave:
  2. P

    violent asylum

    for 2004? nuthin like plannin ahead.... for more info.
  3. P

    2004 Band Lineup download "relentless". then you have one of your british band slots filled for nest year!:Spin::p:tickled:
  4. P

    4 of the best......

    alessyndrome - soil meets alice in chains musically - with some amazing vocals. cyrus - metalcore of the highest quality. nuff said. faultline - think raging speedhorn versus helmet. there it is. violent asylum - the haunted for the uk? all websites below! and all added proof that the uk is...
  5. P

    Scumfest 3 featuring Bloodstock bands!

    Musictek Studios, Romford Saturday June 28th with both Bates Motel & Illuminatus appearing! Tickets just £5 for 12 (yes 12) bands. Doors open midday. Check out: (for more info on all 12 bands) (for directions & stuff) Proudly sponsored by the hugely supportive...
  6. P

    Cruel Humanity @ Bloodstock 3 !!!!!!

    lol congrats CH dudes. c u on the day! note: we won't hav make up. tho arguably may need it....:err:
  7. P

    bands their?plz dont be......... cruel humanity fourwaykill 4 high class (imho) uk bands. no power metal there. paradise lost are not power metal. some of the others may be but power metal is one of the most technical forms of metal there is! if you don't like it to listen to you should go so...
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    dude. am thinkin (& hoping) you fell for it. i received an email from bloodstock about busted as well. check the date..... ( are a very bad man....)
  9. P

    A question for London people...

    am sendin you email ref our demo.....:rock:
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    A question for London people...

    y ty matey :grin:
  11. P

    Brighton metal gigs...

    someone (ages ago...can't remember who:err:) suggested that the scene in brighton is really cool but it's very hard to get gigs if you're unsigned or from outside the area...any thoughts?
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    A question for London people...

    mr chaos any chance of pointin me in the dirction of how to get gigs at the peel? & mark, sir, should you b lookin for bands to play at your tentative event.....:)
  13. P

    Bates Motel!

    cheers. on both counts!
  14. P

    Bates Motel!

    fair comment mate. blieve me they've learnt from it... (the vid is for cease & desist which is track 1 btw )
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    Bates Motel!

    btw if you wanna check out our video for "cease & desist" goto on sunday! :rock:
  16. P

    pppllllleeeeaaasssseeee Twisted Sister!

    yeah! "we're not gonna take it" etc etc!
  17. P

    Bates Motel!

    shucks. u folks are so nice....
  18. P

    Bates Motel

    dood email - the man with all the answers!
  19. P

    Bates Motel

    sounds good matey. u wanna email me & we can sort sum stuff out?
  20. P

    Exposure 2003