Search results

  1. Domine

    Download the Wolverine (Android) app

    We're currently working on setting up a site over at Reverb Nation (as well as reconstructing a bit). We just added a free Wolverine app for Android phones. Head on over there, download it and let us know what you think. We haven't had the oppurtunity to try it out...
  2. Domine

    Acoustic set at PP USA next year

    Guys and girls, we're doing a one hour long acoustic set at PP USA next year on top of our "ordinary" set. Do you have any suggestions to songs you think would go down well in an acoustic setting?
  3. Domine

    Communication lost - reviews

    I thought I'd start a thread where we can collect all the reviews of CL, good or bad. Feel free to post a link to any reviews you might find out there.
  4. Domine

    Mysterious drummer

    Does anyone recognize the strange guy behind the kit? :lol:
  5. Domine

    Dream come true...

    I just have to express how thrilled I am about the fact that we are sharing the same stage as one of my all time favorite band: Queensrÿche! It's definitely a dream come true for me and something that I've been wanting to happen ever since we formed Wolverine. What's also amazing is that it all...
  6. Domine

    Kiss shreds

  7. Domine

    Europe - (almost) Unplugged @ Nalen, Stockholm

    I'm watching a recording of the show Europe did at Nalen in Stockholm last Sunday and I just felt I had to share some thoughts about it, simply because I think it's a fantastic gig. The band sounds better than ever and I really feel they have "aged and matured" with dignity. They're mixing...
  8. Domine

    Report: Bollnäsfestivalen

    I thought I'd post some thoughts about our gig yesterday at Bollnäsfestivalen in Bollnäs, Sweden. We gathered on Wednesday to start rehersals and since we were to play only 30 minutes we didn't have to spend a lot of time with the songs to get back in shape. Rehersals felt really good so we...
  9. Domine

    Marcus & Bia in Aftonbladet

    For all you Swedes: Today (Saturday, June 9th) Marcus and Bia are featured on three pages in Sweden's biggest newspaper Aftonbladet, or more precisely the appendix to the actual newspaper. There's even a pic of the band in there. Check it out! :kickass:
  10. Domine


    I must say the new PoS album is really, really great! As always with a PoS album it needs some time to be digested but once it does it's such a great piece of work. The only songs I still have a really hard time with is "America" since I pretty much hate the chorus of it but that might change...
  11. Domine

    Wallpapers on the website

    We have now uploaded the wallpapers we liked best of the ones that Niefelheim did. The plan is to also put up a few from other contributors in the near future. Sorry that it's been really quiet in the Wolverine camp lately but the truth is that we've been occupied with pretty life altering...
  12. Domine

    Russian Wolverine site

    From today's update of the site: "For all our Russian fans there's now a site about the band in russian, made by Marina V. Vorobjova. Check it out here:" I of course don't understand a word of it but hopefully it says something kind about us. :)
  13. Domine

    The new website is up!

    We managed to get the new website up just in time (29 minutes before midnight). Better late than never I guess but that's always the case with us... :) There might be a few bugs here and there but we'll take care of them. The counter in the index-site produces pop-ups which sucks but it'll be...
  14. Domine

    The new line-up

    We did a photoshoot this past weekend with a photographer called Marie Näslund. She's from Söderhamn and a friend of the band. We all think she did a great job. Below are some of the photos!
  15. Domine


    Watching the Eurovision Song Contest right now. I'm a bit subjective (and drunk) but my God did Carola rule! Singingwise she's a godess! Agreed? :)
  16. Domine

    Reviews of "Still"

    I thought we'd dedicate this thread to post all the reviews we find on "Still". Everyone is welcome to contribute. Don't be afraid to post the bad reviews you find as well. If you, once the album is out, want to post your own review of it please do so in another thread and let this thread...
  17. Domine

    Wolverine - "A house of plague"

    Guys and girls, it seems that the label has put up the opening track of "Still" at their Myspace-site, called "A house of plague". I didn't have any idea about this until Marcus found out the other day and I'm no sure I would want to hear any more tracks before the album is released if I...
  18. Domine

    Wolverine: New track available

    I just wanted to inform those who are interested that we have a track off our forthcoming album "Still" (releasedate: June 26) available over at My If you want to listen to it, just follow this link: The track is called "Bleeding". Take care!
  19. Domine

    Vote Wolverine to Sweden Rock Festival

    Guys and girls, I just thought I'd tell you that you can vote for Wolverine (and a lot of other bands such us Biomechanical) at the Sweden Rock Festival site. The organisers have put up a bunch of bands that you can vote for so they get a hint of what kind of bands people would like to see...
  20. Domine

    Wolverine @

    Lee recommended us to also sign up to and of course his wish is our command. :rock: You'll find Wolverine at I'm still working on putting up stuff there but at least it's being done. Take care!