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  1. LeeWill

    The last main stage slot??

    I'd vote for any of those but i'd love to see Rage live.
  2. LeeWill

    DragonForce new song on website!!!

    Wow. Downloaded it a couple of hours ago and have had it on repeat ever since. Don't yet know what anyone else thinks of it but I love it. better than some of the songs on Valley of the Damned imo, if this one's anything to go by the next album's going to be a scorcher.
  3. LeeWill

    Iced Earth in Classic Rock Magazine...

    Has it? Last time I bought it was more than six months ago so it may have changed a bit. Never tried Powerplay before though I saw it advertised at Bloodstock 02, where can I get hold of it?
  4. LeeWill

    Iced Earth in Classic Rock Magazine...

    Agree with you on that. Classic Rock's the only music magazine i'll buy (if I ever do). Their charts usually have quite a few good albums in them (seen Blind Guardian in there before as well) and i'm sure they had a mention of Bloodstock last year at the beginning somewhere with the dates.
  5. LeeWill

    new dragonforce album

    I certainly hope so. It's the album pre-release show so I think it's likely. As to the topic of plastic weaponry I shall certainly be looking into the purchase of a plastic scythe this year :p
  6. LeeWill

    Second Stage - UK Extreme

    Saw FWK supporting Blaze last year and they are indeed brutal and are perfect for the darwin suite but i'd also like to see any of the following: Return to Sabbat (was a fool in 02 and missed their whole set), Elvenking (if you don't get them this year, get them for 05!), Vintersorg (truly...
  7. LeeWill

    2004 line up

    Theshold are a truly superb band but if you compare them to the status of the saturday headliner and last years friday headliner then i'd say that they make an excellent second band but aren't quite headliner material yet, at least for a festival of this calibre. I'd love to see Gamma Ray as the...
  8. LeeWill

    Retro - Spot !!

    Praying Mantis would definitely get my vote. I can't see Judas Priest happening, not at the festivals current size. Would be great though, specially with Rob back in the band :rock:
  9. LeeWill

    Suggested Bands For Bloodstock 2004

    Stormwarrior are a truly superb metal band! Even if it;s not this year, get them over for the Darwin stage. I'd also love to see Gamma Ray again after 02's performance though i'd also like to see some new bands especially Sonata Arctica if you hadn't already gathered from my earlier posts :)
  10. LeeWill

    Europe touring next summer!

    Great news, but I agree with eagle in that they'll probably be doing bigger shows. However, I also think that they do great rock and if Diamondhead and, wait a min, why have white buffalo been removed from the band list? ( though, no complaints from this man) can be booked for the fest. Though...
  11. LeeWill

    Children of Bodom RULE!!!

    Right, if Bodom aren't the ones for Bloodstock 04 then what about Gravedigger?? Truly superb band with a great record of superb releases. Well, I may be a bit biast in the fact that they're one of the bands I want to see live the most along with Sonata Arctica but surely their price tag is less...
  12. LeeWill

    The Year 2003 In Metal (Highs & Lows)

    Highs Seeing Iron Maiden for the first time Having drinks with Iron Maiden in the hotel bar :) The Blaze gig in Cardiff Updates in the Judas Priest camp Discovering several new great metal bands Beginning to establish our own power/folk metal band Lows Missing bloodstock 03 due to being...
  13. LeeWill

    Sonata Arctica back online

    After being offline for quite a while the official Sonata Arctica website is back up and running but at a different address - The band posted the following message: Finally we got our site back on-line!!! We had problems with our webspace...
  14. LeeWill

    284 days to go!

    I agree totally with Elvenking. They'd make a great darwin suite act and they'll have their new album 'Wyrd' out by then. Taking the other bands into account: Mainstage: Friday Grave Digger Balance of Power White Skull Infobia Saturday (not sure about headliner yet, but i'd love to see COB...
  15. LeeWill

    Suggested Bands For Bloodstock 2004

    Symphony X! (drools) that would be amazing, i'd love to see them live. I've only heard a bit of Ayreon's music so far but they're really good. One band i'd seriously like to see live though are Rage. I've heard they're totally superb live and outstaged Helloween when they supported them.
  16. LeeWill

    Whiplash 13th December

    Sounds great, shame i'm down in Southampton :(. Why don't they play Power Metal more in metal clubs? I've lived in Cardiff and Southampton so far and all the clubs ever play is industrial, punk and ska with some commercial stuff thrown in. Would be great to hear some good true, power, speed...
  17. LeeWill

    New bands

    Will be good to see 4WK again. Saw them when they came down to Cardiff and they were ace. Balance of Power and also great and I look forward to seeing Cruachan (who sound extremelly promising) and infobia who I unfortunately missed last time round. I'll hold judgement on White Buffalo until i've...
  18. LeeWill

    Sabbat cd wanted

    It'll go up in price but it may be worth monitoring the auction below: It's going for £7.50 at the moment.
  19. LeeWill

    04 artwork hint.

    In my oppinion Grave Digger's the most feasible suggestion so far as Tet said. It could well be hinting at the Ring of Nibelung theme and skulls figure heavily on the majority of their albums. Only problem I can see is that Grave Digger have 5 band members and there only appear to be four...
  20. LeeWill

    Where can I hear WAYLANDER!

    They actually had an Agalloch CD in Virgin?!?! Nuts, there's no chance of finding anything like that near me, I had to order mine from amazon and that takes weeks.