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  1. Caelestia

    Who gets the last word in?

    Wtf, this thread is still going on?? Bored much? :)
  2. Caelestia

    The "What are you REALLY thinking about?" thread

    I'm feeling very old :(
  3. Caelestia

    Do you prefer working with males or females?

    From my experience, I usually prefer to work with males, especially when it comes to bosses and clients. They're generally less catty and nitpicky, plus I can get away with a lot more :heh: Having said that though, the most manipulative two-faced bitches I've come across (workwise still) are...
  4. Caelestia

    chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

    That's weird. You still use the same address, don't you?
  5. Caelestia

    chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

    I emailed you a couple of times.
  6. Caelestia

    chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

    Wonderful! People still post here! And this thread is still going! So how is everyone doing? What have I missed? Does rahvin still post? I'll stop with the questions now :)
  7. Caelestia

    world of warcraft

    Leveling is actually pretty easy. Obviously you can't leap 10 levels in one day anymore, but 1 level a day is still possible with a decent amount of time put in.
  8. Caelestia

    world of warcraft

    what do you recommend for a feral druid then, brando? and what class do you play on destromath?
  9. Caelestia

    world of warcraft

    teehee, you know you're obsessed when you browse WoW forums, check out WoW artwork and listen to WoW music. not just on Tuesday nights. isn't destromath pvp? last night i got cat form. rawr. ran through Deadmines for the gazillionth time. was great except for my 3k ping :(
  10. Caelestia

    world of warcraft

    Alright, now I'm level 15 (hehe) and I have talent points, it's time to figure out how to spend them! How many of you play druids? Gaby and Salamsisytahknt (sorry, I don't remember how to spell your name :P)? I hear Feral does some serious dmg yet Moonkin Form sounds intriguing so I am...
  11. Caelestia

    world of warcraft

    Hahaha! I needed that laugh :) Thanks! /spit :tickled:
  12. Caelestia

    world of warcraft

    Druids rock. I rolled a hunter instead because I remember my druid friend complaining they were gimped at endgame. Too bad I forgot the talent trees were revamped and now druids are even more wonderful. Seriously, it was so sexy playing with my 60 druid friends and watching them rip new ones...
  13. Caelestia

    The definite, new "How Do You Feel" Thread

    my highest level char is a 51 warlock :P they're fun to play because they're cloth wearers so obviously they are very vulnerable. they don't do as much dmg as mages usually, have demons to control, no proper escape method, all of which makes things tricky. it's so easy playing a shaman but i...
  14. Caelestia

    Question & Answer Thread -

    a: this afternoon. q: you?
  15. Caelestia

    The definite, new "How Do You Feel" Thread

    My Orc Shaman may look and sound like a man but she is beautiful on the inside, thank you very much. And Warlocks are lots of fun to play (challenging too). You just have to be patient for level 20 for the better spells. C'mon, if we play together in PVP it'll be so much fun to kick some...
  16. Caelestia

    The definite, new "How Do You Feel" Thread

    Really annoyed. Waited 4 hours for a fat cow of a client to approve my copy, only to have her add just ONE word. Now I have to wait a few more hours for them to take ages to make another decision. Stupid...
  17. Caelestia

    Question & Answer Thread -

    A: Sometimes. Not necessarily because they're the opposite sex. Q: What do you like to talk about?
  18. Caelestia

    Favorite movies

    Amélie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Edward Scissorhands Usual Suspects Snatch Princess Bride
  19. Caelestia

    The definite, new "How Do You Feel" Thread

    Yeah, make a Horde on Firetree NOW :P Or Alliance on Shadowsong.
  20. Caelestia

    What can you offer a girl?

    Maybe it's a facet of your personality of which you aren't aware? Too shy? Too cocky? Who knows? Could be the girls in your area are plain fucktards. It's probably not that, though, if you're convinced the reason you can't get a date is because you don't party or drink. I generally prefer guys...