Search results

  1. locutos

    who is the best in cob?

    Technically I'd say Alexi 'cause I suck at sweeping arpeggios in that speed... ;) You can't produce hum and noise with a keyboard, 'cause there's nothing you have to mute while playing... so for me the guitar player deserves more respect when it comes to shredding, well that's just my opinion...
  2. locutos

    Children of Bodom Live in Paris 2003 MP3s

    Hey that's cool... now the evening when I saw the guys comes back to my mind (8 months or so ago....) hehe. Thanks man!
  3. locutos

    Top 3 singers

    clean: Mikael Åkerfeldt (Opeth) Blaze Bayley (Blaze) Mathias Blad (ex-Falconer) growl/grim: Mikael Åkerfeldt (Opeth, Bloodbath) Alexi Laiho (Children of Bodom) Mika Tönning (Catamenia)
  4. locutos

    What happened to In Ruins?

    Remember the album "Four Seasons of Grey" released in 1998? How can a band quit after this awsome CD?! Maybe the guys continued in other (similar) bands?
  5. locutos

    Where's the cover to Swampsong??

    I like the style of your covers, Kalmah :> I'm pretty much into digital painting and art, I've never seen something comparable, has the guy who did the stuff a homepage or so?
  6. locutos

    "Nordischer Klang 2003"

    so? NDR-Bigband haha, for the non-Germans: NDR is a TV broadcaster for the north of Germany, their station must be here in Hamburg or in Kiel, dunno... hm and a group of puppet players lol :D I can imagine what the audience looked like, totally ordinary people, maybe whole families with...
  7. locutos

    Melodic Death Metal

    LOOOOL!!! good one :grin:
  8. locutos

    Live Performance Of Opeth

    I saw Opeth in autumn '01 and they kicked ass, though Mikael couldn't sing cause he had problems with his voice. But it was just fucking awsome to hear and see them playing. And Scorpion it has something to do with the atmosphere of the music :) You can't expect wild guys performing very...
  9. locutos

    Scandinavian/Finland metalbands anyone?

    because they already toured as headliner last spring/summer, and of course I saw them :grin: well guys bands like: Satyricon, Darkthrone, Marduk, Dark Funeral, Burzum etc... they are all scandinavian, yes but... WTF?! Why don't you say Anaal Nathrakh sound similar to CoB? :lol: Kalmah...
  10. locutos

    COB 2003 euro tour...

    Soilwork are fucking great, hopefully they get more time this time (eh? :P) but I hoped that Kalmah would support them 'cause they'll release their 3rd album soon :(
  11. locutos

    As we go into the new year some thoughts...

    no that was the name of their album Blackwater Park. It's the name of a German progressive rock band back in the 70s ;) as for Opeth, Fortis Aganoth's right :)
  12. locutos

    burnt dvd's

    it has to be a DVD drive, in case you really mean your CD drive ;) hm I use PowerDVD, too. And it plays DVDs and (S)VCDs. Perhaps the country code causes your problem? Then try DVD Genie additionaly. It should be compatible with most softwareplayers.
  13. locutos

    Pick ups

    there are more than just one thread on this board already, do a search and you'll get all info you need :)
  14. locutos


    yummy :p
  15. locutos

    Good News

    yeah I am ^^ I wanted to see Dark Funeral here at our Markthalle last year, but their tourmanager absconded with all the money :lol::lol: must have been shit for the 4 bands, but's funny somehow :lol:
  16. locutos

    Good News

    weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee \o/ :grin:
  17. locutos

    CoB interview in Inferno Magazine

    hehe that 1000 copies thingy reminds me of a German Britney Spears clone... her manager paid an elder woman to buy lots of copies almost everywhere in Germany :lol: And that bitch (the clone :P) is pretty successful over here :rolleyes:
  18. locutos

    Jackson RR-LL...

    hm.... it's Alexi who uses a Rocktron Intellifex FX-processor and Roope's Rocktron Hush is a IICX
  19. locutos

    Jackson RR-LL...

    how much is/was one of these guitars?
  20. locutos

    'Tid' so the phrase sais you have to ignore the temptation, aha. I learned something, too :grin: