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  1. Gypsy Rose

    Who are your celebrity Crushes? and Why?

    Eric Roberts, Dani Filth & Enrique Iglesias
  2. Gypsy Rose

    The Official Movie Thread

    I mentioned the movie, "Freeway" in an earlier post--it has Keifer Sutherland, Reese Witherspoon & Brooke Sheilds in really was a very funny guys should check it out...
  3. Gypsy Rose

    The Official Movie Thread

    @ CIG--Fuck you too, you TWAT!!!! 8-//
  4. Gypsy Rose

    The Official Movie Thread

    Another excellent movie: Terminator 2 8-]]
  5. Gypsy Rose

    The Official Movie Thread

    @ RadicalThrasher--BITE ME!!! 8-//
  6. Gypsy Rose

    Have you guys heard of a band called, "Hydrophobic"?? I just got one of their cds in the mail...

    Have you guys heard of a band called, "Hydrophobic"?? I just got one of their cds in the mail yesterday and they are awesome!! 8-]]
  7. Gypsy Rose

    The Official Movie Thread

    I like horror or comedy movies myself..."Harlem Nights" was a very funny movie as was "Freeway"--My favorite horror movies are "Queen of the Damned" + "The Craft" 8-]]
  8. Gypsy Rose

    *Worst Metal Bands* 8-]]

    MMM--Thanks to MentalMonkey---Yr Awesome!! 8-]]
  9. Gypsy Rose

    KISS 8-]]

    That is awesome, I would love to see KISS live just once...I have not listened to any of the member's solo projects, will have to check that out...8-]]
  10. Gypsy Rose

    *Worst Metal Bands* 8-]]

    Pardon me--I am not a troll!!! 8-//
  11. Gypsy Rose

    Questions about Guitars 8-]]

    Hi--Thanks for the advice--I got my guitar from Amazon and they claim is is a left-handed guitar...I have held the guitar and tried to strum it a little bit and I have to turn the guitar left handed to make it feel right..Never thought to restring, I think I would have to take it to a...
  12. Gypsy Rose

    *Worst Metal Bands* 8-]]

    Another band that I think is stinky is Deicide...I just could never get into their music at all..I have a couple of their albums and I never listen to them...Also, I think My Dying Bride and Strapping Young Lad sucks..The music was just so boring, couldn't get into them at all.. 8-[[[[
  13. Gypsy Rose

    Looking to Sell Dad's Metal / Heavy Rock Vinyl Collection

    I know you must need some money obviously if you are selling your dad's vinyl collection...but, I think it is a shame to put them up for sell, most of the records you posted look to awesome to sell...Just my 2 cents worth...8-]]
  14. Gypsy Rose

    Religion Amongst Metalheads

    I am a Christian (baptist)--I believe that I can love metal and still believe in God..Metal is a release for me, but, I do not pay any attention when I see satanism and such when it is connected to metal...I just love the music...8-]]
  15. Gypsy Rose

    Non-Metal Bands that metal fans enjoy

    Another favorite artist of mine that is not metal is Tupac--I think he was the best rapper that ever lived..Just a huge fan of his--is a pity that he died while he was in his prime 8-//
  16. Gypsy Rose

    *Worst Metal Bands* 8-]]

    @ Allfader:Now you are making me laugh!! 8-]]
  17. Gypsy Rose

    KISS 8-]]

    I hope I am posting this in the right place...Any KISS fans here?? I first heard of KISS when I was a kid and have been a big fan ever since..My favorite member is Paul Stanley and my favorite KISS song is: Forever...I like them with or without their make-up...8-]]
  18. Gypsy Rose

    What are you listening to right now?

    ATM I am playing Enrique Iglesias's song: Hero....8-]]
  19. Gypsy Rose

    What's the meaning of your username?

    I always thought gypsies were cool and I love flowers, so, thus I came up with Gypsy Rose...8-]]
  20. Gypsy Rose

    Strange metal video?!?!

    One of the strangest videos I have ever seen was "Black Hole Sun" by Soundgarden...8-]]