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  1. Death Thrasher

    Last Album You Listened to in Full?

    If you like old school death metal this is some pretty good shit! this new one is the best one yet.
  2. Death Thrasher

    Seeking someone to do reviews on my site. pm if interested for more details.

    Seeking someone to do reviews on my site. pm if interested for more details.
  3. Death Thrasher

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Great compilation on vinyl. Killer old school thrash.
  4. Death Thrasher

    The Chilean Scene - Pentagram

    Yes compa, So good I been running for a few years now to spread the word on one of the best underground scenes on the planet. I'm Chilean living in the states but do this for the bands and if I take a trip back I usually get welcomed well for the support.