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    Biggest Reason Alexi is a complete tard?

    it isnt because of the first option. dream theater sucks weasles' goddamn nuts!
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    JAE strike back!(spring mood)

    confusing. it's funny. seems too silly to be against real gays. i laughed. real gays dont bother me. dont be a hater. if it is hating, it is too silly to be worried about... FUK JAU! just in case. this is off-topic. my opinion.
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    starfox 64
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    What about a 'COBHC' tatoo on a girl's fingers?

    you hate to spell, hahaha!
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    What about a 'COBHC' tatoo on a girl's fingers?

    do not do it. see that even people that like band are advising against it
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    Finnish 'Supermetal'

    you dont get it, it's hilarious!
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    Other amazingly technical bands?

    yes i am missing some badass music. it's a pity that they go messing up nice music with the crappy belching
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    Other amazingly technical bands?

    why has nobody mentioned death yet? the later stuff. i know necrophagist is a favorite, but how can anybody stand those burping vocals? at the gates, morbid angel, carcass, and vader are how death metal vocals should sound.
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    Deathless Upstairs Utopia

    a creative guy. at least this is better than his last thread here
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    I didnt even think it was possible

    if you ask me, it isnt as bad as murder, but that's sick shit
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    so diculous it's REdiculous
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    4 More Years!!!!!!

    Northern Viking, i know what democracy is, so you are the dumbass. what were you trying to say anyway, were you just trying to give a lesson in the inadiquacies of our american democratic system? if the system doesnt care about me, i dont care for the system. by the way, i'm mostly just pissed...
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    4 More Years!!!!!!

    our way of government in the united states is ridiculous, a bit more than half of everybody votes for a president, but everybody has to deal with him, it doesnt make sense.
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    i have a feeling they'll lock me up again......

    that sounds bad, good luck man.
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    Somebody come

    i cut my hair, it was a good 18 inches at least. now ive got a three inch mohawk which is just for fun until i go all the way. i miss my hair, but it will grow back, cuz it fits me better, but i never actually saw my head before this. edit: carcass and at the gates are both great bands. their...
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    4 More Years!!!!!!

    ^w00t i dont think anybody can say for certain whether an abortion is murder or not, that is why i am against making it illegal, not because i think it's perfectly okay to go and do. it's not like people would stop doing it if you made it illegal anyway, it would just be more dangerous. also...
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    question XD

    this thread may look like it has been exhausted to an outsider, but im gunna call it safe and say duck and cover. if this is the last post it gets, then damn, i should go to sleep.
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    Metallica Fuckin Blows

    yeah shit. that's, like, your opinion, man
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    touch like an angel.. live intro

    tokyo warhearts, my most prized cd!
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    4 More Years!!!!!!

    Bush is a religious zealot and probably has no qualms with bringing about the end of the world because he believes all the worthy souls will be going to heaven anyway