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  1. Bolle

    New Album

    Hast ja recht! Und das die neue dann nach Abducted klingen soll, kann ja auch nicht schlecht sein! Ich geh mir jetzt auch einen rocken! :rock:
  2. Bolle

    New Album

    Warum nicht? Ist doch ne schöne Sprache! :grin:
  3. Bolle

    New Album

    Hey, how about we just shut up and wait for the stuff? I mean, we only can say if we like the conception or not, but we haven't THE SOUND!!! (the most important for me) I'd say we wait for it and if we doesn't like it, then we can still rant around. Na gut, überredet!!! Nur das einzige...
  4. Bolle

    New Album

    I didn´t want to descriminate those guys, every way has its beginning! But this stupid kid sucks!!! :Puke: And by the way, I don´t have such big problems with catch 22, I just think that some people should think before they write a pile of shit!
  5. Bolle

    New Album

    If a person who´s a Hypo-fan since the beginning would say that, I would listen! How old are you? Thirteen? I´m happy to hear that Catch 22 laid under your christmas tree last year and you were sooo impressed of this haaaard music! I was searching for some people that were with the band...
  6. Bolle

    New Album

    That´s exactly what I meant! It´s okay if bands change their styles to express themselves. But they are going to betray themselves! :yuk: This is not what I expected from a genius. This is truly "music for them asses"!!!
  7. Bolle

    New Album

    I heard that the new Hypocrisy-album will sound like ´Abducted´?! Why do they always change their sound if the last one doesn´t sell?! I think it´s very commercial! :Puke: PAIN is the one Peter should do his experiments!!! But don´t get me wrong, I like `Abducted` but this is too much for me!
  8. Bolle

    What is everyone listening to right now??

    I couldn´t work without: Testament-New Order (WUUAAHH!!!!) Punchdrunk-Music for them asses!!! Amon Amarth-once sent from the golden hall!!
  9. Bolle


    Wacken is a small village in north germany!! Near the danish state line!
  10. Bolle

    The COOLEST word you know?

    Stinkmösenpolka!!!! Analvenethrombose!!! And the finish word for a cup of ice cream: "Jäätelätöteröö"!!!
  11. Bolle

    Wow, the new SYL sure sucks huh?

    This album fucking rocks!!! Any Punchdrunk fans out there?!?!
  12. Bolle

    Favorite Album?

    Oops! "to" vote....;/
  13. Bolle

    Favorite Album?

    No hard decision for me vote "Jester Race"!!!!!! "Dead Eternity" is the fucking best song they ever wrote!!!
  14. Bolle

    what was the First Song you learnd to play?

    My first one was Hypocrisys "Left to rot". To the bassist guy that played "Dawn patrol" first: it was the most groovy riff you´ll ever play!!! :rock:
  15. Bolle

    Viking pics?

    If you understand a little bit german check out " and "! There are cool links to sites that deal with vikink and medieval stuff!!!