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  1. Thorax the Herdsman

    Has this Sansamp PSA been modded? (electronics/voltage question)

    Hi all, hoping somebody with more electronics knowledge than me can help me out. Just picked up a used Sansamp PSA-1.1 on ebay here in the UK. It works fine, the guy I got it from has used it for a good while with no problems. Question is this - I just looked on the back and noticed it was...
  2. Thorax the Herdsman

    First album mixed...where to go from here?! (help a beginner!)

    Thanks for the advice Ganks, duly noted :) Final bump...anybody else able to offer any further thoughts/comments? Anything at all?
  3. Thorax the Herdsman

    Epic symphonic metal project...badly need production advice!

    The attack and decay on the choir samples sounds little too staccato/stop start...I think it needs to be a bit smoother, with the notes flowing into each other more. Just a first observation...
  4. Thorax the Herdsman

    Does your band have a press pack / press page?

    Quick question for you all...I'm working on a press pack for my band, just something to send out with CDs for review, to booking agents, venues etc. I'm looking at a little sort of bio and a few photos but not sure what else can go in. Has anybody got a press pack for their own band they...
  5. Thorax the Herdsman

    First album mixed...where to go from here?! (help a beginner!)

    OK, maybe I'm asking too much, haha... If nothing else a critique on the above mixes alone would be nice, just so I have an idea of improvements for next time? I know this stuff is a little different from most music on here but hopefully I'll be able to get some advice :) I should add that...
  6. Thorax the Herdsman

    First album mixed...where to go from here?! (help a beginner!)

    OK erm...damn where do I start?! So back in April I completed my first production/mixing project, being my bands first album. Although I'd had a little bit of experience with mixing, it was essentially in at the deep end. Although I won't have any further production/mixing work for a...
  7. Thorax the Herdsman

    My Firepod is fubar - can anybody give electrical advice?

    Well I just got back an email from Presonus support here in the UK, and they've basically told me that a repair could be anything up to £200. Considering we paid £300 for it used, as well as £150 for the first repair, I'm not so keen to spend another penny on this unit getting it working. £650...
  8. Thorax the Herdsman

    My Firepod is fubar - can anybody give electrical advice?

    So my Firepod has started making these annoying clicking sounds. They're not software/latency type cracks, they're popping noises from the actual unit itself: I've already had the unit sent off once for repair for a bad firewire IC (first one firewire input stopped working, then both did)...
  9. Thorax the Herdsman

    Line 6 4x12 - are they really this good?

    Played a gig last night with my usual PRS Custom 24 + 5150 II rig, but using the venues Line 6 4x12, and it sounded absolutely killer - thick, chunky, and not a hint of the evil fizz that I seem to get with my 5150 4x12. Is the Line 6 4x12 this good or is it just showing up my Peavey cab for...
  10. Thorax the Herdsman

    Budget DAW controller...any suggestions?

    So right now I'm using a simple setup...just for my own noodlings and the one album so far I've for my band. Using Logic 8, and pic below for the rest: It's pretty basic, and horribly located as you can see (I'm working on that :cry:) but like I say, for now it's just a little project...
  11. Thorax the Herdsman


  12. Thorax the Herdsman

    how do you take care of your ears?

    I'm no expert, but I heard that sleeping with earplugs in does more harm than good, especially from a tinnitus point of view - it sensitizes you more to the sounds in your head as oppose to if you didn't have the plugs in, when the brain would have a better chance of adjusting the hearing...
  13. Thorax the Herdsman

    Naming projects...

    I tend not to name riffs and ideas, as most of the stuff I and the rest of the band write comes out of us jamming together at rehearsals. The below pic of our whiteboard shows some of our working song titles though :p
  14. Thorax the Herdsman

    Logic 8 announced

    Really want this. Currently using Express 7 and feeling its limitations - all of which seem to be dealt with nicely in this version. Doing my best to persuade the rest of the band guys to chip in with me for an upgrade :)
  15. Thorax the Herdsman

    Studio Dairy

    I'm keeping one for my bands recording sessions on my own blog page. Rather than get too techy (as most of my readers won't care too much about that) I'm trying for the humourous random facts and information angle instead. Bouncing an ancient thread here but...
  16. Thorax the Herdsman

    MacBook Core2Duo

    What everybody else has said :) I'm using a MacBook with 2GB RAM and I've had not problems yet. I recommend the Western Digital MyBook firewire drive too, it's what I use and seems to work pretty nicely.
  17. Thorax the Herdsman

    I crashed OSX.

    Our other guitarist is a pretty firm anti-mac preacher, and I swear he carries a anti-apple curse around with him...he recently bought an iPod from the Apple store and the iMac till crashed in front of him! Also recently, Logic crashed for the first time whilst he was sat watching me using...
  18. Thorax the Herdsman

    what 2-12 to match a 5150?

    I'm debating whether or not to get a V30 loaded 2x12 for recording my 5150...I've got a Hughes & Kettner 4x12 loaded with G12 Greenbacks which I'll use otherwise. Was looking at this model and wondering if it's worth the purchase - is it...
  19. Thorax the Herdsman

    Good mic for voice recording

    Yeah, the Oktava's were just a suggestion for Tachy's overheads question :) Vocal wise personally I've got a Red5 RV6 condenser, which I haven't used properly in my studio yet but it's received very good reviews for a £50 mic. I've also got my trusty old SM58 to fall back on too :)
  20. Thorax the Herdsman

    show your gear pics!

    5150 on the left and Marshall DSL60 on the right. The one on top is an old Hughes & Kettner ATS120 - my first head. It's a hybrid kinda like the valvestate series and served me well until I upgraded to the 5150. It still works but now all it does is serve as a convenient stand for my rack stuff...