Search results

  1. Vox Stellarum


    Hey we're a metal band from India called Inviktus, inpired by bands like Lamb of God, Arch Enemy, Slayer and the like... Check out our recording at and spread the word. Cheers. \m/ PS: any feedback would be greatly appreciated...
  2. Vox Stellarum

    the hate thread

    haha, i'm from India... ok its not just funk bands, but a lot of sissy bands... we're looking for a second guitarist for our band and no one can fucking riff...
  3. Vox Stellarum

    the hate thread

    i hate how the music scene here is dominated by 'funk' bands and thats its so hard to find metal guitarists here... no one can fucking riff here... bastards...
  4. Vox Stellarum

    the hate thread

    I hate the fact that they're imposing a ban on cola sales in so many places... its become worse than what they did with cigarettes a while back...
  5. Vox Stellarum

    Recording software and drum machines...

    I was planning on doing some home recording, so i need some info on recording software and drum machines(software )... which software would you recommend for multi-track recording. I came across this thing called ProTools 7.1, and i heard that was the best, but it looked really complicated...
  6. Vox Stellarum

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    yup... capharnaums awesome, although i dont really like matt's vocals... but an excellent album nevertheless.... i also like gorguts... and both happened to be Dan Mongrains bands... that guys a genius the production on martyr's second album is really good, and as an album i'd rate it higher...
  7. Vox Stellarum

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    i cant seem to get enough of technical metal like martyr and theory in practice ... can someone recommend similar bands... oh, none of that brutal stuff please... PS: ... yes, i have heard of atheist and cynic, and they're both great bands... other suggestions ? -Thanks
  8. Vox Stellarum

    This Godless Endeavor

    wow!!!...just heard the samples...amazing stuff!!!! it outdid my wildest expectations...and my expectations were really up there... !! just wondering...any chances of there being a DVD?? once again...congradualtions....kickass album... !!!
  9. Vox Stellarum


    How good are they.. how do u rate 'em..? tone and feel...? ..and abt their 7-strings...? how do they compare with the Ibanez 7-strings..? thanx cheers.
  10. Vox Stellarum

    An Introduction and a request of sorts...

    I'll second the At the Gates recommendation for melo-death.. also try gardenian and sacrilege... I'll also recommend Dimension Zero, it has Jesper Stromblad, so u know its worth a listen... Also give old soilwork a try...but nothing after predators portrait... they had a few really good...
  11. Vox Stellarum

    Are You Hip To The Scene?

    you lucky bastard... i worship Martyr and Quo Vadis.... :worship:
  12. Vox Stellarum

    Prog metal fans?

    Manitou and Spiral architect if u like that technical stuff... get Pain of Salvation, any album.. they're all good although Entropia is more 'prog' than the others... Here r some new bands i found.. all prog 1)Kenziner, from finland.. some pretty awesome stuff 2)and this other one..not too...
  13. Vox Stellarum


    Kings of Cranival Creation.... am i the onle one who thinks spellbound was one of the best dimmu songs ever?.. and mourning palace...
  14. Vox Stellarum

    One Word Game

  15. Vox Stellarum

    Yes or No, Resting pinky on guitar body?

    Yup, thats what i do... i find it more comfortable and it works for me... as for resting the pinky, i still manage to do it(i've never found a problem with it with my index finger curled up), and it really helps while sweeping...
  16. Vox Stellarum

    About low-tuned guitar and 7-strings..

    ^ so thats the same effect as using some really heavy gauge strings..? cos its really tough to find 7-string-strings where i come from(..India)... so i'd rather use a set of heavy gauge if it will give me something close to that effect... thanx
  17. Vox Stellarum

    About low-tuned guitar and 7-strings..

    I've been trying desperately to reproduce that low and chunky sound that i like to call the Arch-Enemy. Initially i thought it was just a matter of harmonies(on thirds ) but i realised that that effect is because of their insanely low tuning (A#) . So i tried changing the tuning of my guitar to...
  18. Vox Stellarum

    New nevermore clip

    wow...thats amazing... which album is that for.. and any idea when its gonna release..?
  19. Vox Stellarum

    Melodic Black Metal

    I'd say i'm a big melo-death/melo-black fan too.. so here are some bands in the melodic genre i really like : Abyssos ... excellent band...Probably what u're looking for !!!:rock: Agathodaimon ... excellent melo-death/melo-black... the Kovenant ... dont bother getting anything besides...
  20. Vox Stellarum

    Sharing music on IRC

    Yeah i usually go onto Undernet, but off late its been giving me an error('Bad Username')... I didnt know Rizon had metal channels... r u at #thefoundry with the same nick... maybe i'll come leech some stuff sometime... not to worry, i share my music to... :)