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  1. Stormwatch

    DEICIDE - In the Minds of Evil (2013) [Full Album][HD]

    Bought it when it came out, fucking LOVE it!
  2. Stormwatch

    Slaves of God

    Yay! Number 1 in the death metal chart! :-) Thanks for listening all!
  3. Stormwatch

    Slaves of God

    My first attempt at this sort of vocals, and probably my last :lol: But the song needed it, so I had to give it a try! :Spin:
  4. Stormwatch

    Behemoth new song !!

    No idea who that is or if it's been debunked in the months since it was posted but there's no way that's a new Behemoth song, sounds like a Zos Kia Cultus ripoff. Evangelion was a long way from that.
  5. Stormwatch

    Worship music with Nelson

    It would make the album worth listening to. Like I said, I find it a really boring album (and I've been on here for fuckin years so you know I'm as big a fan of the band as just about any of you). I'd like to hear it with Nelson.
  6. Stormwatch

    AC/DC 2013...

    To be honest, expecting fans to wait 10 years between albums is fucking ridiculous. Especially when they're so simplistic in terms of songs and production. Christ, it's not like Ballbreaker was fuckin Hysteria.
  7. Stormwatch

    AC/DC 2013...

    I loved them for 15 years or so, but I have no interest in seeing them in some mega-dome, stadium type setting. I really fucking hate how the media have latched onto them in recent years and made them this behemoth that everyone and their grandma has to see live. I'd love to see them in a...
  8. Stormwatch

    Scott re-affirms this lineup is the final lineup of Anthrax

    I don't need to remind you all of Scott's comments over the Bush years about Joey. Scott Ian has no credibility when it comes to what he has to say. Great, great rythym guitarist. Great lyricist. Great backing vocalist. Total bullshitter when it comes to talking about vocalists.
  9. Stormwatch

    I AM the LAW!!

    This movie is fucking brilliant, but it bombed in the USA which has killed any hopes of a fucking sequel. Nice going you guys, you have some shitty fucking taste.
  10. Stormwatch

    Worship music with Nelson

    I'd like to hear it. I find the "real" album extremely boring, haven't listened to it in months. Would be nice to hear how Nelson treated it.
  11. Stormwatch

    Slipknot-Psychosocial(Drum Cover)

    The song is shit, as are the band, but your drumming is very good. I would hate to be in a band with you though, I'd be paranoid you'd drop a stick with all the tossing them around carry on ;)
  12. Stormwatch

    The official metal 2012 thread

    Cool, they fucking rock! Hey, that's Scots Pine there, nice coincidence for me, great cover. Looks more like Scotland than England though (winterfylleth are English right?)
  13. Stormwatch

    Randy Blythe arrested for manslaughter

    +1 I read some of his "texts", the guy thinks he's hilarious. :lol:
  14. Stormwatch

    WASP fans Boo Megadeth off the stage

    Ignore him, he's acted like a fuckin 14 year old since he joined the forum, never grew up any.
  15. Stormwatch

    OT Black Album Live!

    Why is IMFan posting under that Kirkland name anyway? Did he get banned?
  16. Stormwatch

    OT Black Album Live!

    I see the double act of Anthrax Mosher and IMFan09/Kirkland are still spouting shite. Good to know some things never change in Anthrax land.
  17. Stormwatch

    Has the Zombie Apocalypse wiped out Ultimate Metal?

    I'm gonna take a guess and say the fact Anthrax got back with Joey and did the Big 4 have put a downer on Billy's ranting, which is why this place is dead. To be fair though, the Anthrax album, was IMO, shit, and their board is just as dead as a result. So, everyone's a fuckin loser.