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  1. mousewings

    happy b-day xfer!

    Happy birthday. How did Nick know I was going to post in this thread...?
  2. mousewings


    Wow, that's a crazy (in a good way) cake. Very creative. :)
  3. mousewings

    I take it that...

    no one uses their livejournals anymore. :(
  4. mousewings

    Tragic news for the community - Lizard Memorial Thread

    Richard's family are in my thoughts and have my sympathies. I remember how his replies to my posts never failed to make me smile. He was such a friendly person who was kind to everyone. Rest in peace.
  5. mousewings

    Happy birthday Toby!

    Happy (belated by one day?) birthday!
  6. mousewings

    "New" (2006) Q&A thread

    @LaRocque: I'm sorry. A: "Our memories depend on a faulty camera in our minds." As studies prove memories are not really accurate at all. Also, the cameras are storage spaces and the mind a (usually) unerasable one. Some memories never go away. Q: et tu?
  7. mousewings


    For photos, you can use,,,, or For music, there's,, and (even if you don't know German, it's easy to figure out)
  8. mousewings


    They are. Have you tried,, (it works okay if you take out the band names or scramble it up a bit) or any of the others. I can dig more up if you'd like. Don't ask me how I know about all those. :p As for me, I'm disliking my mood swings a lot.
  9. mousewings

    1666 things you've noticed about a dt forum member -

    Still do. Although Canadian/North American guys are lovely too. :) 237. Arch hasn't started with the photo page yet as he's busy...? He closed his journal too after getting me addicted to writing. :p
  10. mousewings

    email that sepp just sent me

    Brown Sugar was a movie about music. I saw it on Bravo a while ago. It was decent. :) I've been taking a break from this place and all places. Except one. If you look enough, you know where to find me.
  11. mousewings

    spaffe (22)

    Happy (somewhat belated) birthday! Another Capricorn... who is the same age as I am. O_o They don't disqualify you at all... Yeah, it is kinda bad. Like you get less presents and some people think it's alright to get you just one present combined for both. Tea cups rule.
  12. mousewings

    Happy Birthday, Mousewings!!

    Thank you all. :) I didn't think anyone would notice, especially since I've abandoned this place.
  13. mousewings

    Listen to a new Darkthrone MP3

    Glad I visited in time to download this. Thanks guys.
  14. mousewings

    Happy Bday Nicodemix/MajestikMoose

    Happy birthday, Moose! I took the effort to return and log in to wish you a happy birthday. Be honoured. :p Have a great one.
  15. mousewings

    Happy Birthday TRANQUILLIAN!!!!

    Happy birthday, gorgeous! :)
  16. mousewings

    Internet addiction (emo thread alert (not really))

    I used to spend a lot of time on here and other places. Now not anymore. During the maximum of two hours daily I do spend online, I mostly update my sites, answer emails, comment on people's journals. That is all. Also, it's helped that my email host was down the past two weeks... and now...
  17. mousewings

    The (Un)official Royal Carnage forum picture page

    Hmm... is that a Hudson's Bay blanket in Moose's pic? Those things are expensive. O_o
  18. mousewings

    Question & Answer Thread -

    a: Sleep, reading, ironing/laundry/all the house stuff, shopping, and seeing a movie about India. Along with iNet stuff. All the usual. q: You?
  19. mousewings

    Question & Answer Thread -

    a: a washed-out has-been actor. Um, your sig also scares me. :(... but I like your icon. :D q: What should I do about my recurring feelings of twitchiness and paranoia?
  20. mousewings

    Why do Tranquillians hate Kimberly Goss so?

    :lol: or for lovestruck young people. :lol: Refers to some people I know. :p