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  1. veil the sky

    Addictive Drums or BFD2?

    yeh i noticed that the presets were way over compressed, but that was pretty easy to fix of course. i like that tip about not having to randomize velocities :) cheers! looks like AD for me.
  2. veil the sky

    Addictive Drums or BFD2?

    I never really liked Drumkit from Hell, and have been using a demo of Addictive Drums which i do get on with. I've never tried BFD though, and it seems pretty popular. What's the score with these?
  3. veil the sky

    What do i buy? - new speakers, or new cab!??

    Haha no i just meant it was one of the 1960's models it's a 1960A. I'm really just trying to find out it all that 1000GBP on a MESA cab goes towards some kind of magical and brilliant cabinet design to really get the most out the speakers, or if I'm paying for convenience and a MESA badge. The...
  4. veil the sky

    What do i buy? - new speakers, or new cab!??

    Hi all I really need a new cab, currently running - JMP1 Mesa Boogie Strategy 400 into a 1960s Marshall cab with stock speakers. Is it worth all the money buying a new cab from Mesa or someone? Or should I just buy some quality speakers and fit them into my straight, closed-back Hi-Watt...
  5. veil the sky


    am i the only person in the world who finds this band as boring as church?
  6. veil the sky

    Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

    aquired or not, she's absolutely crackers
  7. veil the sky

    Larsson presents: The Gay Thread

    seriously i'm so glad someone killed him
  8. veil the sky

    Everygrey fan? You MUST see this

    love the name
  9. veil the sky

    RIAA wants the internet shut down!

    they should make the internet illegal just to stop you wasting your time on this website rahvin ;)
  10. veil the sky

    Atheism (Do you believe in God? If yes, then why?)

    that's only a plausible response if you can overcome the inherent problems with maintaining an infinite regression of contingent beings
  11. veil the sky

    Some pics from the video shoot

    so it looks like a £20 promo video then ;) see you saturday!
  12. veil the sky

    philosophy, science, and knowledge

    there is no bigger picture. the scientific 'picture' is defined by the parameters of truth which it defines upon commencing it's investigation. the philosophical 'picture' is amorphous and transient. it's under scrutiny within philosophical practice itself, which it very very rarely, if...
  13. veil the sky

    European Union erasing British culture?

    of course it does. that's what makes it trite and irrelevant. but my implication was that talk of reparations and affirmative action is irrelevant to what the topic was supposed to be. i wasn't trying to sidetrack you all into trivial semantic concerns.
  14. veil the sky

    London(ish) show in September

    i'll see you there. where you going from?
  15. veil the sky

    European Union erasing British culture?

    colour is a separate issue to cultural identity though.
  16. veil the sky

    European Union erasing British culture?

    shame i've missed both the now and the then. point me in the right direction if you would.
  17. veil the sky

    New Trends/Innovations in Philosophy

    abstract and impractical? or transcendent and fundamental? i disagree. only the first point was interesting.
  18. veil the sky

    Moral and Scientific Progress

    i don't know, but you certainly brandish a lot of completely unsubstantiated views. how is society now more violent and unfeeling? and why does continual change in scientific concensus constitute a linear upward path?
  19. veil the sky

    European Union erasing British culture?

    oh don't worry there's no danger of discussion in here. just people posting isolated opinions with varying degrees of relevance to the thread topic.
  20. veil the sky

    European Union erasing British culture?

    not relevant to this thread. find another one for that... there really is no analogy between colonial immigration in the UK and reparations paid in the US. the former are a natural consequence of social evolution, and the latter is a political utility. colonial immigrants have a far more...