Search results

  1. MasterOLightning

    Black Metal.

    It's been like, 20 years, and I'm still waiting to hear an above-average guitar riff in a Limbonic Art song.
  2. MasterOLightning


    @Onder I'm really interested in which American beers make it over to you there. (Also what they cost vs. Euro imports.) I would not have guessed Anderson Valley ends up in your part of the world, for example. Anchor is huge and everywhere here. They are well-respected, but seen as a bit of an...
  3. MasterOLightning

    The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

    Some real good vaporwave.
  4. MasterOLightning

    Favorite porn stars?

    Janice Griffith basically has the body of prime April O'Neill. It's pretty great.
  5. MasterOLightning


    Hmm. I'll try for 10 in no order. Half Acre Firestone Walker Alesmith Deschutes Southern Tier Goose Island Perennial Founders Anchor Spiteful Edit: I knew I'd forget good stuff. No excuse for leaving out Ballast Point. Maybe later, Spiteful.
  6. MasterOLightning

    Black Metal.

    I can always count on you to catch the humor in a post.
  7. MasterOLightning

    Black Metal.

    If you don't enjoy the first five minutes of this, it's doubtful you'd ever be a fan of Krallice. I think this is just brilliantly composed, evoking a jazzy call and response at times. The guitars complement each other during the solos in a way rarely seen. The drumming is dynamic and not...
  8. MasterOLightning

    Live shows

    Voivod/Vektor/Eight Bells was really good. Vektor was amazing. They have so much talent. Could easily become the biggest young thrash band in the world. Voivod was good, and I liked their new songs, but they didn't feel like they were as big a deal as a band with so much credibility should. They...
  9. MasterOLightning

    Black Metal.

    I'm a fan of Averse Sefira, but the high points in their discography are not close to as good as DSO's high points. There's no Sola Fide I or Kenose II in there. But I haven't listened to them in many years, which I could argue is a strike against them. I come back to a lot of bands, but Averse...
  10. MasterOLightning


    I'm on Untappd as Ommegoose if anyone else wants to monitor my alcoholism. A few nice finds for me in the past few days. Tops was Lost Abbey's Cuvee de Tomme. Wow. Tasted half as strong as the 11%. The cherry notes are more like a rich maraschino rather than kriek-like tartness. Gentle barrel...
  11. MasterOLightning

    Ultimate Metal Hall of Fame

    Are people just forgetting Metallica, or what? I just think it's weird if you list 20 bands and they aren't one. In my list I'm favoring long careers with many significant releases over one-album wonders. If this is going to be tiered, then I think those who proved themselves over time deserve...
  12. MasterOLightning

    The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

    The first new Lush song in 20 years is a total return to form. Love it. Would fit in on Spooky or the early EPs for sure.
  13. MasterOLightning

    The Official Good Television Thread

    The People vs. O.J. Simpson is really pretty good, about 85% of the time. Now that they're about to start the trial I expect it to be a solid legal drama and hopefully some of the gimmicky elements are done. The acting and look and feel of the show are spot-on.
  14. MasterOLightning


    Have yet to see the Pineapple Sculpin, but those specialty Sculpins are $13.49 here at the least. Tough to make it more than special occasion beer, but hopefully it turns up as a $6 pint somewhere. Earlier this week I had an Alesmith My Bloody Valentine. Big flavor at a reasonable 6.66% abv...
  15. MasterOLightning

    Official National Hockey League Thread

    The Blackhawks are still pretty damn good. I don't think Dallas or Montreal are better. We'll see about Washington.
  16. MasterOLightning

    The Books/Reading Thread

    I did a book report on Murder at Wrigley Field when I was in grade school, probably shortly after it came out. Not to suggest these are kids/YA books, but there's no reason a smart kid couldn't or shouldn't read them. This one was set during WWI and it mainly centered around the...
  17. MasterOLightning

    top 10 television series

    This is really tough. The Simpsons (S3-S8) Mr. Show The Wire Mad Men Community Lost The Office (US) (until Steve Carrell leaves) Nathan For You Eastbound and Down Freaks and Geeks You're The Worst and Mr. Robot could easily make it if they continue to be so good.
  18. MasterOLightning

    Poll for Ildjarn Fans

    I prefer Ildjarn is Dead.
  19. MasterOLightning


    I have no idea why Omni insists on featuring her bottle opener in her photos, but... okay. Solid set of beers. Thought peppermint VAtC was too herbal. Did not go wild over it. Commodore is average as well. I'll buy that Prairie Christmas Bomb was great, because the standard Bomb was superb. No...
  20. MasterOLightning

    The Books/Reading Thread

    I just finished 1Q84 today. Love Murakami, but I thought this was a real crowd pleaser. I mean, after 900 pages, it wasn't a non-ending, but it wasn't the way a visual medium would end.