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  1. Destrruction

    Henrik leaves Skyfire

    bleak eyes - i promise you that it will!
  2. Destrruction

    Henrik leaves Skyfire

    Bleak Eyes - i will concentrate on making some more songs first, and do some live shows. then we'll see what happens. a full length album would be a nice thing to do.. when the time is right. Emilinator - Download the new songs instead.
  3. Destrruction

    Henrik leaves Skyfire

    Yes! I will never put Favilla to death.
  4. Destrruction

    Henrik leaves Skyfire

    i dont feel 100% for skyfire anylonger. that's all.
  5. Destrruction

    Henrik leaves Skyfire

    I have decided to leave Skyfire. I dont burn for Skyfire as i once did. Thanx for everything!
  6. Destrruction

    2 members of Skyfire in a new band!

    then you should dig Favilla. It's me and Joakim... But i make all the music and lyrics. Raw Blackmetal. Cheers!
  7. Destrruction


    Arise doesn't seem to work with signing bands anylonger. That is what Javi told me some month's ago.
  8. Destrruction

    Now Playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Collecting Memories - Favilla -favilla-
  9. Destrruction


    But we'll get signed soon. :)
  10. Destrruction


    We're still searching for the perfect deal. You'll get pleased when you hear the new album. ;)
  11. Destrruction

    New site

    Ofcourse I'm alive. :heh:
  12. Destrruction

    New site

    Mmm.. that could work. So you could make a php-backbone and use the "old" layout (the layout that's on the site today)? We would REALLY appreciate this!! 'Cause it would help us (the members of skyfire) to update the site with info, images, new songs etc. Let me know what you think about it...
  13. Destrruction

    New site

    yeah. probably...
  14. Destrruction


    patience... ;)
  15. Destrruction

    New site

    Hey! We're in need of a new site. Any1 one you maniacs that feel for making one? We want to be able to update the site with news through internet-admin or something. php-scripting and stuff... mm.. Any1 interested? Contact me! :rock:
  16. Destrruction

    Tired of spam!

    the reason why you don't see all the spam is that i delete all the posts. well... i will stop deleting them now. cheers!
  17. Destrruction

    Tired of spam!

    Hello guys! I'm getting tired of all the fucking spam in our guestbook. Shall we keep the guestbook or shall we delete it? Post your opinion or just choose in the poll.
  18. Destrruction


  19. Destrruction


  20. Destrruction

    Sweden Rock!!!!

    Jonas works for Ericsson.