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  1. Episteme

    Males and Females

    I love dumplings, especially Shanghai dumplings. Hell, I love Dim Sum.
  2. Episteme

    The fairer sex and their sweet eccentricities

    Every time I come to this forum, I get reminded of how sad it is.
  3. Episteme

    Males and Females

    Race has never bothered me, I'm so damn mixed myself anyway.
  4. Episteme

    Males and Females

    Yup, pretty much man. I'm pretty comfortable with where I'm at now, I know I shouldn't be looking to get myself in a relationship. I have to admit though, it does get kinda tiring chasing tail all the time. :p
  5. Episteme

    How is everyone's training going?

    Relative to my body weight and height, what should I be lifting? I haven't really used weights in a fair while, it's mainly been body weight exercises with push ups, pull ups, etc.
  6. Episteme

    How is everyone's training going?

    2 lb to 22 lb, thinking maybe I should get another set with more weight.
  7. Episteme

    Males and Females

    My story so far. Since starting work, my social life has been pretty on and off until recently where it kinda got a bit of a boost when I bumped into a bunch of friends that I hadn't seen in ages. Sure, I haven't had a steady run for sex but I've been enjoying the single life, indulging in a...
  8. Episteme

    How is everyone's training going?

    Wow, I haven't been here for so long. I have, however, been reading threads every now and then. I've been doing a lot of high intensity interval training, at least 3 to 5 times a week depending on my daily schedule. I'm down from 180 lb to 173 lb, shedding flab and attempting to tone my body...
  9. Episteme

    Black Metal.

    I'm going to be checking out that new Dodsengel album, Imperator. I've read a few reviews and they all seem to be really good. I've been so out of touch with new music that I've missed out on so many new releases. Also liking the new Deathspell Omega EP, but I think I'll need to listen to it a...
  10. Episteme

    Death Metal

    I haven't listened to anything new lately, please throw some recommendations at me.
  11. Episteme

    Work related stuff

    I'm a Process Safety & Risk Engineer, I started working in this company early this year and have been a consultant for a variety of operating chemical processing, oil & gas and mining companies. I do things like dangerous goods licensing, environmental works approvals and safety audits, etc. for...
  12. Episteme

    The pics thread

    My fellow Aussie wins the thread.
  13. Episteme

    Black Metal.

    Funnily enough when I heard Devouring Famine before the release of Paracletus, I didn't really like it but the song grew on me the more I listened to the entire album when it got released. I have a feeling that this will be the same for me.
  14. Episteme

    The pics thread

    The Aristocrats are awesome, I'm listening to them now actually. Marco is such a good drummer and Guthrie has got to be one of my favourite guitarists of all time.
  15. Episteme

    The pics thread

    Is that Guthrie Govan? And Marco Minneman?
  16. Episteme

    Gamers Thread

    I love my monk, I'm only lvl 27 at the moment though and I just got the 4th act. Haven't had this much fun playing a game in awhile, probably because of the co-op aspect.
  17. Episteme

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    I got a pay rise and my boss is going to second me out to a bigger company, more incentive to stay in this company. I'm a capitalist dog and a slave to the machine. Yeah, I'm fucking awesome. edit: Wrong thread. :p
  18. Episteme

    New Social Thread

    I've been applying for other jobs even though I currently have one. I got rejected from a company that I'm actually doing a lot of work for through my current company. How ironic.
  19. Episteme

    Males and Females

    My past is haunting me.
  20. Episteme

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Sipping some Yamazaki 12 year old single malt whiskey before going to bed. Japanese whiskey is pretty darn good if I say so myself, I'd imagine the 15 or 18 year old would be even better.