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  1. M

    Should Growling vocals be added to Winds

    I absolutely love growled vocals but I think it would ruin the beauty of Winds' music. It would reduce the "wow..." effect caused by Winds' music.
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    Complete Swanö Discography? Then again, it might be wrong
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    Complete Swanö Discography?

    Then I guess that you know what you're talking about. :P Nice to meet you ;)
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    Complete Swanö Discography?

    Alright, thanks. "neither me, rogga or dan have played on that demo" Me = Andreas Carlsson?
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    Complete Swanö Discography?
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    Reasons to Love Dan Swano Volume 1

    That's good enough. :P
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    Complete Swanö Discography?

    That's what it says on might be wrong :P
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    Complete Swanö Discography?

    Sorry for bringing back a dead thread... Some of it might be wrong but here's a list: Year Format - Band - Album (Instrument(s)) 1988 Demo - Brejn Dedd - The First Demo (Drums, vocals) 1988 Demo - Brejn Dedd - Ugly Tape (Drums, vocals) 1998 Demo - Unicorn - A Collection of Worlds, part I...
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    Behemoth - No Sympathy for the Fools

    The 21st of February is going to slay. 5 more days. Pwhahah.
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    It's coooooooooooold!!

    Just think about the -40's we're getting here and you'll feel warmer. :P
  12. M

    DEICIDE cancel "Scars Of The Crucifix" tour

    deicide \De"i*cide\, n. [L. deicida a deicide (in sense 2); deus god + c[ae]dere to cut, kill: cf. F. d['e]icide.] 1. The act of killing a being of a divine nature; particularly, the putting to death of Jesus Christ. [R.] Earth profaned, yet blessed, with deicide. --Prior. 2. One...
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    Similar bands

    Hmm I only listened to Paradise Lost's early album but I don't really see the similarity. All great bands though.
  14. M

    Favorite Winds Track

    Fireworks of Genesis and A Moment For Reflection I only have The Imaginary Direction of Time so I can't tell about the old songs...
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    favourite Deicide Album

    Once Upon The Cross followed by Legion
  16. M

    What languages do you speak already and which would you like to learn? (and why?)

    My first language is French. I also speak English and I know some bits of Spanish. I'd like to learn German...
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    Katatonia at a new record label in the near future?

    Brave Yester Years has been released on Avantgarde Music, that's why.
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    where can i find CD in Quebec???

    Don't check pop-rock it won't be there. Just CALL them and tell them to order. Trust me, I've had the same problems. ;)
  19. M

    The ultimate Bloodbath liveshow.

    I wonder if Bloodbath will come to Canada (near Québec City so I could see them...) one of these days. I'd be happy if it happened within 15 years. As for the setlist... Eaten has to be there. It's the greatest song to sing along ever.
  20. M

    where can i find CD in Quebec???

    Call Archambault and tell them to order it. It's on their website ( ) so the warehouse has it. That's what I did when I bought Edge Of Sanity's Crimson II