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  1. E

    Whats spinnin'??

    INSISION is curently spinning in my cd player.. Exelent Band...from swede I think... Visit them : truly evil shit. Death metal like it should be!! ;)
  2. E

    Insision Destroys Germany 2003

    hello every one.. and PROST! (more on the band are found affter the dates and also visit: ) Evil_bastard here from the IDS-team ..and Im here to let you all know that... INSISION DESTROYS GERMANY 2003 THURSDAY 23/10: HALLE (Germany) Venue: Saale Website...
  3. E

    What are spinning in your CD player???

    INSISION.... I'm a huge fan. Check em out at Its just plain good & Raw DM, a true punch in the face! Read more here at label press etc:
  4. E

    How is the Death metal scene nowdays??

    Exept for the frency on In Flames and so forth, How is THe Death metal scene in Asia today? I know Thailand have loads of fans of Good dm..... Stay clean!! Btw, here's some good Swedish Death metal I recomend. I recomend you to check out is INSISION [Yes Im in the IDS Street-team ;)...
  5. E

    American slam stuff?!

    Ok boys n gals... Listen up! Im from Sweden and Im in to DM, right. Now, loads of good Death metal bands over here(in sweden) are very into the US-styled DM (no I not thinking of semi-singalong dm-acts like amon amarth or the trendy IF im talking about some real DM).. Now thats all good for me...
  6. E

    INSISION DESTROYS GERMANY (a message from an IDS-member)

    As an IDS-member(insision death squad/ the insision street team) Im here to spread some new´s about Insision, First up are some dates to check out then after that are some press stuff on Insision so that you unlucky bastards whom have not goten to know might INSISION yet get a little glimps of...