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  1. Jonoleth

    A History of a Time To Come - The Story Of UK Thrash

    That fella named Jono IS me by the way! :)
  2. Jonoleth

    A History of a Time To Come - The Story Of UK Thrash

    Hi guys, (very) long time no post, and predictably, I'm here to advertise something. Fortunately it should be of interest to Evile fans! Today we've released the first trailer for our upcoming documentary feature film about UK Thrash, 'A History of a Time To Come'. Predictably, Evile are...
  3. Jonoleth

    TV shows

    Slander, libel! Still, good to see someone finally took my advice and watched some awesome TV, I watch an inordinate amount but its rare anyone takes my advice... Heres a list of stuff I recommend: Amazingly awesome shows: The Wire The West Wing The Sopranos Generation Kill...
  4. Jonoleth

    Damnation Festival 2009

    It just gets better! Anathema blew me away live last time, cant wait for this.
  5. Jonoleth


    That's a Romper, close, but no cigar. Oh and a hoodie is a hooded top, regardless of its zip or lack thereof!
  6. Jonoleth

    "This cinematic is better than Episodes I-III combined."

    If anyone can make a good MMO its Bioware, still, its an MMO, could they not just have made a third Knights of The Old Republic game? That would please me.
  7. Jonoleth

    Damnation Festival 2009

    It gets even better! Quite looking forward to this now.
  8. Jonoleth

    Big 4 Poll

    Relax guys, its only the internet! Seriously though lets not get bogged down in insults or arguments, this forum has been underpopulated and polite enough not to need any moderation thus far, don't break it.
  9. Jonoleth

    Damnation Festival 2009

    ENT, cool. This is shaping up nicely.
  10. Jonoleth

    Recent Purchases

    Surely every British Thrash fan knows of Acid Reign? There's so few British Thrash bands of any stature from back then it would be hard to avoid knowing them!
  11. Jonoleth

    My daughter, Erin, continues her metal education....

    Ach come on, do you not remember hearing extreme metal for the first time and being bamboozled by how it could be seen as music? I certainly do, its not something many people manage to get first time, its very much an acquired taste... I'm such a fucking hippy, what happened.
  12. Jonoleth

    Red Dwarf

    Quality, cheers for that, I'll set an alarm on my phone or something.
  13. Jonoleth

    Your best gig moments

    I think Municipal Waste upstairs in the Fenton in Leeds was my favourite actual gig experience, just after the release of Hazardous Mutation, on with a load of Hardcore bands and there was only about 4 metal fans in a room of 200 (with a capacity of 100 we were led to believe), I'll tell you...
  14. Jonoleth

    Red Dwarf

    I'm hearing only disappointment about the new episode, I managed to miss it, hopefully it'll be repeated at some point soon.
  15. Jonoleth

    Mutant E.P.

    I can probably sort that for you if you want, if they still have any left by the Leeds date. Let me know, PM me or something.
  16. Jonoleth

    Damnation Festival 2009

    More awesome bands regardless of genre! I've been checking out A Storm Of Light since they were announced, enjoying them so far, should be another good day out.
  17. Jonoleth

    Damnation Festival 2009

    Rotting Christ, I'm in.
  18. Jonoleth

    Im New On Here!, anyone going to the gig in birmingham on the 15th?

    There's a certain amount of sense to that, but the idea of the NHS and the whole system in the UK is more complex than that allows for, for a start, every single person in this country pays taxes in some form, you can't avoid things like VAT, secondly, there are very few people who go through...
  19. Jonoleth

    Im New On Here!, anyone going to the gig in birmingham on the 15th?

    Fair enough, it doesn't bother me if the US sticks with its current system, none of my business... I have to say though there does seem to be a bit of a crazy reactionary thing with a lot of Americans who think that any sort of help from the government is automatically a bad thing, I can't see...
  20. Jonoleth

    Im New On Here!, anyone going to the gig in birmingham on the 15th?

    So, if you've not used it, how do you know its crap? Its a pretty commonly held belief that its crap for some reason, probably because the press occasionally says so when it suits their angle, but in truth the standards of care are usually pretty good. Add to that, NHS Dental Care is awesome...