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  1. D

    Kiss Cover song

    Ulver is covering Strange Ways. The song is OK, I guess. I'm no KISS fan. Sounds a bit like Blood Inside. More info:
  2. D

    I want Blood Inside goddammit.

    Released yesterday in Norway (30th of May). Got mine as soon as the shops opened. Limited edition, of course (number 1521 out of 2000).
  3. D

    Svidd Neger, The Movie

    The movie is released on DVD in Norway (region 2), subtitled in English. I don't think it has anything else in common with Lyckantropen other than the soundtrack by Ulver. I haven't seen it, so I can't comment on the quality of the movie.
  4. D

    Silence Teaches you to Sing

    I think they've re-released Teachings in silence. I just picked mine up some weeks ago at the record store (in Norway). It's not as rare or valuable, though, but it's probably easier to find than the EPs.
  5. D

    Any Norwegians around...

    Ooops. Sorry about that one, Erik. Didn't notice the old date of the original post. Hadn't seen this thread before, and I assumed it was a new thread. Kind of wondered why you asked about the lyrics AGAIN :-)
  6. D

    Any Norwegians around...

    Check out the thread "Ulvsblakk translation?" in this forum. You'll find that the whole of Kveldssanger is more or less transcribed and translated.
  7. D

    Again on Ulver translations

    Seems like our little transcription made it to darklyrics. Complete with errors, omissions and all :-) Never mind. Ulver to the people.
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    Synen Lyrics

    I made a quick attempt to transcribe Synen. Beware of errors and feel free to point them out. Translate at will :-) der du stod som ung og rundt deg stønning tung var skyggens trolske dans kan hende leder den frem en tår av det deg atter tiden giver tiden vokst seg noen år trass...
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    And Garm Said, “Let there be Dark,” and There Was Dark; and It Was Good

    Seems that the video files are on rotation, and that the Kveldssanger file was recently removed. Anyway, here is a transcription of what is said during the short clip: The clip opens with a shot of the CD cover and the text "Kveldsfanger '95" beneath. Note the spelling. Garm: "I'm not sure...
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    And Garm Said, “Let there be Dark,” and There Was Dark; and It Was Good

    Pictures from the composing/recording of Lyckantropen themes can be found here: Not easy to make out much of it, but at least there are some pictures of the equipment used (as well as the "wolves" themselves :-). Also a short clip from...
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    Ulvsblakk translation?

    Ah, that explains it. My cover is in Norwegian, and this is what it says:" Al Text & Lyrik er lafved aff Garm oc ofversad aff AiwarikiaR Fløite & Pigestemme ved frk. Lill Kathrine Stensrud Piano ved hr. Sverd Omslaget er mahlet aff voor høit ærede Søster Frk. Tanya "Nacht" Stene"...
  12. D

    Ulvsblakk translation?

    Actually, the lyrics on those three albums are in ancient Norwegian ("ancient" being circa 1850s). Back then, Danish and written Norwegian were very similar, but have later drifted apart (somewhat). The lyrics are closer to modern Danish than modern Norwegian, so you are quite right. One...
  13. D

    Ulvsblakk translation?

    I must admit, the official translations are a lot better than mine. If only someone could dig out an official translation/transcription of the lyrics as well, I'd be very happy. Lyrics are missing from several of their newer releases as well. Shame.
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    Ulvsblakk translation?

    No, sorry, haven't got Vargnatt my self. From what I've heard of it, transcribing it would probably be quite hard. Too bad they don't print the lyrics to all their music.
  15. D

    Ulvsblakk translation?

    I've made an attempt at transcribing the lyrics for Kveldssanger, but as you can see I need some help to fill in the blanks. Sorry about the Ulvsblakk lyrics; they were the hardest. I've also translated parts of the lyrics and titles. Corrections to both translation and transcription are...