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  1. Nico


    I miss tully.
  2. Nico


    Fuck me. I thought being old meant drinking wine with the wife on the couch. Actually it usually does, but tonight I decided to look at RC. It's almost like being young again, except I hate myself more.
  3. Nico

    The Royal Carnage Dictionary

    Bloke was edgy before there was a whole Reddit incel movement. Well ahead of his time.
  4. Nico

    Nominate Albums for forthcoming Best of 2010-2020 Tourney

    My work here is done.
  5. Nico

    Hey NAD, look...

    I am pretty fuckin' sure I got two copies off you with lyric sheets. Gave one to a mate, kept the other. Will have a dig over the weekend.
  6. Nico

    Quick thoughts on some upcoming albums

    First four albums are pretty hard to beat, though these two definitely still stand out for me.
  7. Nico

    How do you keep track of your collection?

    I'm aeongrave, and I sold all my CDs for whiskey.
  8. Nico

    Noltem - "Illusions in the Wake" (2021, Transcending Obscurity Records)

    Tell me about the limited edition diehard birch boxed set vinyl pressing.
  9. Nico

    what's the contingency plan then

    We rebranded it to the 7 year cwtch and sailed through pretty smoothly. Duly noted on the 14 yearer though, will make contingencies.
  10. Nico

    The big century eargasmic paraphernalia

    Definitely formative years for a few of us. And ripples of it still influence my tastes in a big way. Random internet forum cult eternal.
  11. Nico

    life quality poll

    Although it'd make for bloody good press if you were a husband-wife artistic duo. The photos were one of our more contentious decisions, and we weren't happy with the photos. Fortunately a friend of ours put together a short video that gives a much better impression of the place and land and...
  12. Nico

    life quality poll

    "Supposed to be" being the key word. We had to put off our wedding twice because the inlaws were unhappy with venue arrangements. In the end I had to tell them to pull their heads in, and on the day my folks were the ones who wanted everything to be about them. Haven't seen them much since...
  13. Nico


    Every minute of this is a personal favourite, but being that it's 12 minutes long and not everyone has time for that, starting at 9 minutes through to that majestic release at 9:35 and the way the whole thing takes shape... really big moment here. Unfortunately (for some), the band kind of...
  14. Nico

    How are you guys doin?

    Cheers and beers?
  15. Nico

    what's the contingency plan then

    Seems like everyone's going hard on the grown-up nonsense. Same here - bought a place with my wife in the middle of the desert (in the biggest town within a 1500km radius, but still pretty small). We've been renovating it for 3 years and just knocked down the chicken coop. It's a 2-bedroom...
  16. Nico

    How are you guys doin?

    What, ten years between drinks too long?
  17. Nico

    life quality poll

    How good is stability? I would say life is pretty ace also, what with the marriage and home renos chugging along steadily. Just started my own business too, which is going well so far. Not chuffed to be heading into another hellish summer though.
  18. Nico

    How are you guys doin?

  19. Nico

    How are you guys doin?

  20. Nico

    How are you guys doin?

    I'm having the exact same problem. Who the fuck is Deron?