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  1. L


    Hello her er en "nusvenska" version af Älvefärd folkevise. Med venlig hilsen, S. Älvefärd 1. Jag var mig en fager unger- sven och skulle rida till hova; rider jag ut om en aftonstund, lägger mig i rosenlund att sova. Sedan jag heme först såg. 2. Jag lade mig under en...
  2. L

    The new album title

    Det er fint navn :) Venlig hilsen, S.
  3. L

    Mickelson and Digiorgio will not play on new Vintersorg going back to old style

    Will it be in swedish? I suppose most of Mr V. fans prefer him singing paa svensk :) And swedish is more folkish ;)
  4. L

    Mickelson and Digiorgio will not play on new Vintersorg going back to old style

    Ödemarkens part II - sounds great :)
  5. L

    Trollskogen page So I suppose Mr. V knows him. And yes, the guy of the video is a member of this "Grimm" band from Netherlands, very nice band by the way. Sb should send him an email maybe...
  6. L

    För Kung och Fosterland melody...

    Heh, it was even used by a progrock band Marillion in live versions of "Margaret"...
  7. L

    New Trollskog-page

    Uuuu, I live near Iraq then... Probably that is the reason why Polish forces are there now - it is not so far away... So, where is Germany now anyway? :D
  8. L

    The Otyg live in the netherlands video and cd

    This live is just great :) Thanks Zwendelaer, Draugen and amf!
  9. L

    The Otyg live in the netherlands video and cd

    Well just send it to Draugen, please!!!! :D
  10. L

    The Otyg live in the netherlands video and cd

    Well, then send it to somebody who will publish it... anybody can do it?
  11. L

    The Otyg live in the netherlands video and cd

    Great. You can also release audio as .mp3 as well, as not all of us will be able to download a couple of hundred MB from the Internet... :/
  12. L

    The Otyg live in the netherlands video and cd

    Btw- Zwendelaer are you from a band called Grimm ? As far as i remember that was a band from netherlands that played once with Otyg...
  13. L

    what happened to

    It says that "domain has expired"... Wierd.
  14. L


    I wonder too... I am listening to the first CD of Havayoth now... Will it *ever* be released Mr.V.
  15. L


    *Heh-heh* at least i can understand this :) Happy Jul for you too :)
  16. L


    Sounds great, looking forward to it... I just love progrock bands like old Genesis, Marillion, Yes, Pink Floyd, early King Crimson...
  17. L


    these are very interesting news... very, very, very interesting. waiting for more information. :):):
  18. L


    You should say "if THEY did". Otyg is not Vintersorg only :)
  19. L


    I wonder Mr V., did you record some preproduction tapes, while composing this album (or maybe it wasn't composed and you just made the lyrics)? Was Gastkramad the only one played live? You should release it some day, it would be a waste not to release album that was already written :/ and we...
  20. L


    Well you can send a PM to Vintersorg, what for do you need his e-mail? Give him some privacy :)