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  1. Goffdahl

    Black Metal.

    Thanks! Will check them out before Saturday!
  2. Goffdahl

    Black Metal.

    Saturday I am gathering with some accomplices to listen to BM. Each time it's a new theme and we may only listen to bands with specific prerequisites which fit this theme. On Saturday it's bands with current or former members who have died (for various reasons) or killed another person. Live and...
  3. Goffdahl

    Black Metal.

    More raw and primitive, shorter songs, not as epic, not as great production, not as great song writing. Very mediocre compared to the two master pieces you mention.
  4. Goffdahl

    Black Metal.

    So anyone heard the new Coldworld? I very much looked forward to it. However it turned out to be a boring mixture of Throes of Dawn's Quickilver Clouds and some hipster nowadays USBM like Mare Cognitum or the like... Add some female vocals and you have the perfect gay recipe.
  5. Goffdahl

    Black Metal.

    You are in for half and half white noise and awesome atmospheric Darkspaceish black metal.
  6. Goffdahl

    Black Metal.

    I recently stumbled upon this band. I was searching for metal in the vein of Darkspace, The Ruins of Beverast, Deathspell Omega and the like. It's very good.
  7. Goffdahl

    Black Metal.

    Go with "Elixir of Sorrow" and the split with Paysage d'Hiver "A Haudiga Fluag"
  8. Goffdahl

    Black Metal.

    From Nokturnal Mortum's split with Graveland. Hmm, had very high hopes for new material from them. This disappoints me a bit upon first listens.
  9. Goffdahl

    Black Metal.

    Yeah, Trulen, Fran Marder and Kampen are on my wantlist. Never could get into Absu. I bought Tara, S/T and In the Eyes... once but did not like it. Perhaps my taste has changed since then and I should give Absu a second chance.
  10. Goffdahl

    Black Metal.

    Never been a fan of Rotting Christ. But then again, never really tried the older stuff. I'll check up on those two. Legion of Doom only rings a very vague bell. Greek second wave black metal?
  11. Goffdahl

    Black Metal.

    Room for 8 more: Black Metal by Goffdahl posted Feb 26, 2016 at 11:54 PM Or should it be only 3?: I'm collecting black metal only and preferably from the nineties. So, which albums am I obviously missing out on?
  12. Black Metal

    Black Metal

  13. Goffdahl

    Black Metal.

    Some recs from 2014 as well: Sun Worship - Elder Giants Woods of Desolation - As the Stars Nightbringer - Ego Dominus Tuus Panopticon - Roads to the North Nasheim - Solens Vemod Darkspace - III I Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta III Abigor - Leymotif Lucifer
  14. Goffdahl

    Metal 2016

    Looking forward to/hoping for: Nokturnal / Graveland split Nokturnal Mortum fullength Cobalt Summoning Oranssi Pazuzu Coldworld In the Woods Urfaust Den Saakaldte
  15. Goffdahl

    Black Metal.

    Hmm... My guess is I could list approximately: 11 bm albums which I would rate 10/10 32 I would rate 9/10 86 I would 8/10 198 I would rate 7/10 So, a list of 250 great bm albums is impossible. A list of 250 good bm albums is easy.
  16. Goffdahl

    Black Metal.

    Graupel are great but Verdunkeln are way better imo. The sound of the S/T Verdunkeln album gives me chills. And tracks like Trollraum and Einst War es Mal are just pure black metal brilliance.
  17. Goffdahl

    Black Metal.

    Very inconsistent album. There are some lousy tracks on it but some highlights as well. Seven Tears are flowing... is a personal favourite of mine.
  18. Goffdahl

    Black Metal.

    For me it's Andacht along with Elixir of Sorrow + the lengthy track "A Haudiga Fluag" from the split with Paysage d'Hiver. But everything they have done is worth your while. Stellar band!
  19. Goffdahl

    Black Metal.

    Sure: 1. Ved aas i haustmoerket = By the hill in the autumn darkness (Aas is a hill. Think; Solen Gaar Bag Aase Ned by Ulver. This means "The Sun Sets Behind the Hill" 2. Ved baal i kveldstime = By the bonfire at evening time 3. Ved skog i natterstid = By the forest at night time 4. Ved...
  20. Goffdahl

    Black Metal.

    I listen to both. But it's not like they have anything in common...