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  1. E

    How's the OLD re-issue comming along?

    Hell yeah, i'd want to see a timely reissue of this classic album on cd . It's been too long and i don't want to ruin my vinyl copy as it's difficult to find this album these days and getting a replacement would be a bitch . Dig finally released the Spazztic Blurr album so why not this one ...
  2. E

    Favorite Morbid Angel

    I struggled with this question but for me it's between the Blessed and Covenant albums . Haven't said that though they haven't released anything that's mediocre so picking just one is difficult but the older stuff is totally killer .
  3. E

    Brutal Truth, Extreme Conditions LP re-issue!

    Thing is, from the perspective of an older collector, i have all these classic albums on vinyl from the first time round . So buying all these reissues may appear a touch dumb ( but buy those first ten again i did ) . I would like to see some vinyl reissues of some of the classics reissued in...