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  1. D

    Strange Picking Noise - NEED your Help!

    when you pick, are you picking at an angle to the string? Sounds like a rake type tone to me. Ive also had this with some distortions in the past. id be interested in hearing what it sounds like with drums and bass in the mix. It may well mask it
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    ways to tweak guitar distortions ?

    Did you try the TSE808 plugin in front of the Lepou amp sim? makes a lot of difference!
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    Good PC program for programming drums?

    FL Studio's piano roll seems a lot easier to use than Reaper or cubase for manual editing. Cubase works amazingly well if you have an interface drum pad/kit tho you could go hardcore and use a tracker program like Openmpt! :)
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    ways to tweak guitar distortions ?

    Personally, I would try different impulses. Changing the cab impulses will drastically change the dynamics of the distortion. I find the mesa impulses a bit muddy myself. the Redbox marshall 1960a ones are pretty cool and have an awful lot of variation (and they are free!).
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    Sabbat Tabs?

    Ive seen a few around the internet, but there doesnt seem to be many complete songs, and tabs for "History" are woefully lacking anyone got any? Even better, Andy, do a video showing us how to play some of the songs, especially that thing you do on the end of the riffs on "Horned is the hunter"
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    Simple question.... How to get this guitar tone or something similar? I'm assuming some sort of heavy fuzz instead of distortion. I'm using a Big Muff to get an approximate tone, but the low end is NOWHERE near enough. Anyone got...
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    Obligatory plug for another band!

    Another Up Coming UK Thrash band with Deathly vocals... Demo now online at Available for gigs, parties and fun with dead things!
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    Hey, Glad to see Evile doing so well. The Bay Area thrash scene seems to love Evile judging by the reactions on the Exodus and Heathen forums! Oh, and nice artwork in Terrorizer, making the word THRASH out of sugar packets! How fookin metal is that! Cups of tea AND Thrash, Brilliant...
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    Andy, give Lee Altus a hug for me will ya. Duvels and Shorma on him when he hits London :):rock:
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    Bloodstock Open Air

    That would be SOOOOOOO good. I remember hearing the flexi disc in White Dwarf many many years ago. My friend proudly came to my house with a tape of it but he had recorded it on the wrong speed! (It was a 33 flexi disc as I remember!)
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    Gian Pyres?

    FKN HELL!!! My old mate Gian. I was in a band with him back in 93 called Graven Image. Last I heard he lived near the south coast in the UK. If you see him, say Hi from Jeff and call him "Spoon-head" for me
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    Gian Pyres?

    Is it true? Is he playing with Dragonlord????? :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
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    When will we see Dragonlord in the UK?

    Im still waiting to see Dragonlord make a UK debut. All I need now is someone to tell me they have already and I will be most upset.
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    The Testament Forum Has It. Why Can't We? Forum Members Thread

    Age:35 Sign: Taurus Marital Status: Married/Seperated/Living with Partner/Geting Divorced Profession: Drunk, Musician, DJ, Pervert Hobbies: Music, Booze, Boobies, Computers, bloke stuff Location: London UK Fave Bands: Nevermore, Heathen, Dimmu Borgir, Strapping Young Lad...
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    Favorite song from TGE

    It strikes me that the whole album is so soild its impossible to pick. Funny thing is that there hasnt been an album that I liked the whole way through for some time now. If you really forced me (dont push me!) id say something like the title track, but I keep discovering new faves...
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    Nevermore Support in UK?

    Anyone know who it is?
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    what's everyone's favorite maiden album? mine is power slave

    Anything up to Powerslave, particularly Piece of Mind
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    Maiden gets egged at Ozzfest

    The photo isnt a fake! Neither are the ones of the monitors during Maidens set covered in Egg. Neither is the story about the Pa being shut off during their songs... Neither are the stories of 45000 people chanting "Maiden Maiden" in response to Big Dave (he of Battle For Ozzfest...
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    Hi all, Im Digi, Host of THE SATURDAY HAIR RAID on extreme radio every saturday at 4pm (GMT). Feel free to tune in and e-mail me at I love rock & Metal, from classic stuff to extreme noise terrorism. Faves at the time of writing are Samael, SYL, Gutworm...