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  1. kenpierce

    Back here after 10 years

    Welcome back in a somewhat dated response time LOL. I'm also guilty of not coming onto this much and its not for lack of interest just more on being consumed by the tasks involved with being a writer, photographer and social media maven and tying it all together, Glad its still here and I hope...
  2. kenpierce

    MERCYFUL FATE - High Quality Fan-Filmed Video Of Entire Los Angeles Show Streaming

    We were stoked to be in attendance in NYC recently. The band was superb and the King just enthralling. Posted a quick shot to the Gram to help that side of my efforts. Sharing below.
  3. kenpierce

    Dan McCafferty has passed away.

    I must admit that I was guilty of only knowing the staples but when I saw them at BB King's in NYC years ago I was blown away by how good the band was. This might have been their last time playing my region and I was glad to have recorded a couple of songs for the YouTube when such practice was...
  4. kenpierce

    Felicitations From KP &

    Hey there friends in Ultimate Metal land; I wanted to drop in for a hello since I seldom get to any forums these last many months based on the time demands for my outlet - . I've been online with this thing for almost thirteen years and am an as close to lifelong Metalhead as...
  5. kenpierce

    Progpower USA XVIII (2017) Media

    Hey thanks for adding our summaries to this post, a third installment has been submitted and the link is here if you'd like to make it a part of the existing top post
  6. kenpierce

    Presenting "The New"

    Hello friends in Metal, I just wanted to take a moment to let you all know that I have recently morphed my site into a WordPress framework and will be delivering all of my reviews, blogs and various special features in one place going forward. There is some editing involved...
  7. kenpierce

    Follow us on Twitter!

    I started a Twitter about a year ago and have found it fun to try and tweet from the photo pit at shows or from the sidelines if anything interesting is happening that folks might want to know about. The link is in my signature as is my Facebook for the website. I just wish I could link the...
  8. kenpierce

    New Webzine & Social Network

    Congrats on your new launch. It slightly "feels" like what is brewing over on Skulls 'N Bones so good luck with it. I've got too many networks to maintain these days so cannot join up but wish you well with this.
  9. kenpierce Has A Blog

    While this is not entirely new "news", we have been employing the use of a blog aspect to the reviews and concert narratives over on a whole lot more these days. It was bound to happen since we wanted to get reader input and words from fans that might have seen a similar show...
  10. kenpierce

    PiercingMetal's Year End List 2009

    I'm not sure where to place this, as I am not as much a contributor based on my own hectic schedule of writing and photography. However, with year end lists being posted everywhere I wanted you folks to get a look into my own. We tried to make it as detailed as possible based on what was...
  11. kenpierce

    Meshuggah - obZen

    I loved this album and would like you to see my thoughts on it as well. TO me this was a work of pure genius. Click the link below to see: Horns up!!
  12. kenpierce

    Venom - "Hell"

    I just recieved the watermarked promo of it and understand it is coming soon but not yet available. This might be why none of the stores have it out. I am speaking in the USA at least. At first listen this did NOT do it for me, so I am giving it another go round when I finish up a few other...
  13. kenpierce

    Judas Priest - Nostradamus

    It took a lot for me to get this one out onto the internet paper as it is because this is not a release that is quickly reviewed. Follow the link to see my thoughts on it and I hope you enjoy it.
  14. kenpierce

    Symphony X in NYC 4/5

    I am starting to feel like the honorary founder of pre-gaming at Smiths LOLOL.
  15. kenpierce

    Whitesnake - Live in the Still of the Night DVD

    I felt the same about this DVD and said a lot of similar positive commentary about it. Heres a link to my thoughts and musings for those interested.
  16. kenpierce

    Tim "Ripper" Owens(Beyond Fear)

    I interviewed Tim and guitarist John Comprix a couple of months just after I reviewed the album. I liked it, and wanted to share the posted interview with you folks. enjoy.
  17. kenpierce has LEAVES EYES opening the North American Blind Guardian tour.

    The Vinland Saga is an excellent album, and far different from the music of Atrocity (which features the entire band). More of an atmospheric level of gothic ala Within Temptation/Tristania. Below is a query of some coverage I have done for the group. Take a look at your leisure...
  18. kenpierce

    Into Eternity Interviews

    We did a quick Q&A with Tim the other day, I did not know this area existed so now I am sharing it with you all. Regards
  19. kenpierce

    Drummer Adam Sagan Leaves Into Eternity

    Wow this is some news. Having met all of you guys on several occasions I can only say that your talents will be missed in this band. I wish you well in all of your future endeavors, keep on rocking.
  20. kenpierce

    Female Voices Of Metal Festival 2005 – Kingston, The Peel - 09/10/2005

    Sounds llike an interesting night of Metal. We have had some great shows coming through New York, but none of those bands have even been here by my recollection.