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  1. ramses


    It's decent. A good taking a shower song, but not a good enough party/driving fast song.
  2. ramses

    What happened to Thrash early 90's ?

    Some of the best thrash was in the early 90's. Forbidden, Heathen, Coroner, Death Angel, Kreator, to name a few......Death metal had a bit to do with the thrash decline, along with the big 4 trying something different. For commercial reasons (Metallica/Bob rock, remember)and thinking they needed...
  3. ramses

    Anathema - Judgement

    Great album...probably my 2nd favorite. The Silent Enigma being my favorite.
  4. ramses

    Anticipated albums of 2014

    Yeah, Stevens Flemenco guitar rrrips!! I have his BLS Black Light Syndrome stuff, withg Terry Bozzio, and Ton Levin. Just so good....bit of jazz fusion, a few metallic riffs, and his acoustic guitarwork is flawless.
  5. ramses

    TESTAMENT Parts Ways with Bassist and Announce Replacement

    Powermad! Yes! ep was good....Absolute Power (Full length Album) was SO Freaking Awesome!! Yeah, there was good melodic singing in that band. Great riffs, solos.....remind me a little of '84-'86 era Metallica, a little Anthrax (vocally) early '90s Overkill riffing. Just a phenomenal band. The...
  6. ramses

    Most underrated band I have ever heard of.

    Very good band. Three Friends, and In A Glass House, to me, are their best albums. The vocal harmonies and arrangements are hands down, the most creative. Spocks Beard, Echolyn, and Haken are influenced by Gentle Giant vocally. They are very respected by prog fans, and their contemporaries, at...
  7. ramses

    Anyone here likes Newsted album?

    I love the guy regardless. Newstead just loves playing music....ever enthusiastic, puts 100% into whatever he does, even if people don't like it, or care. He's grateful that he can do what he loves, and make money too. And you know he'd still do it for no money.
  8. ramses

    Whats your favorite extreme metal band from the 80s?

    Carcass Coroner Celtic Frost Obituary
  9. ramses

    Do you think the big four of thrash are the height of quality in the genre?

    I like the second wave better ('87-'91) Forbidden (every member except the singer, has played in Testament, Slayer, Nevermore) Heathen (Lee Altus is in Exodus as well) Sacred Reich Coroner (the most underrated metal band) Flotsam and Jetsam (well, the early albums kill) Death Angel...
  10. ramses

    Darkwave / Neoclassical recommendations

    Twelfth of Never Long Winters Stare Rain Fell Within Dead Can Dance
  11. ramses

    New Fates Warning album

    Yeah, I guess.....if Michaelangelo was slightly drunk, with a brain tumor....
  12. ramses

    Stormblåst 1996 or Stormblåst 2005?

    Even though my favorite Dimmu album is still Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, I listen to this one works well playing in the background, when reading, or with my girlfriend. love the brooding atmosphere of Stormblast.
  13. ramses

    New Fates Warning album

    You should try to find the original album cover artwork for their first album Night On Brocken. I have it in cassette format, before cds took over. It looks like an 11 year old drew it.
  14. ramses

    Favorite 90's power metal albums?

    Good to see some Angel Dust fans here. I saw them back in '01, with Opeth, God Forbid, and Nevermore at the old Brass Mug in Tampa, Fl. Put on a good show in that tiny venue. There was six bands, and for only $17.00 !
  15. ramses

    Led Zepplin vs. Deep Purple

    Deep Purple for me. I like zep, but, they just don't move me often, as Purple does. They are more musically adept than Zep. Page tends to be a little too sloppy live for my tastes. But.....Page's acoustic riffs are really strong, that's where his strength lies. John Paul Jones is a better...
  16. ramses

    List your top 10 favorite bands!

    Opeth Yes Genesis ('70-'81 era only) Insomnium Novembre Rush Evoken Emporer Dream Theater Symphony X 20 years ago, it would have been... Yes Rush Iron Maiden Megadeth Genesis Forbidden Carcass Queensryche Dream Theater King Crimson (even though some of them have been bumped since...
  17. ramses

    Really good progressive rock?

    Happy The Man Renaissance (real orchestra...folk prog) Popul Vuh Tangerine Dream-2nd through 6th albums Mahavishnu Orchestra Brand X (Phil Collins....drummer...he was awesome on these albums!)Moroccan Roll, Product, Unorthodox Behavior UK-2 albums ST, and Danger Money (Bill Bruford, John Wetton...
  18. ramses

    Really good progressive rock?

    Starcastle.....yeah! I have their first album. When Yes took 3 years to tour, and do solo albums, before rejoining for the next album, Starcastle put out their first album. A lot of Yes fans got into them, to hold them over, till Yes released Going For the One in '77
  19. ramses

    Hidden melodic thrash gems of the 80's

    Defiance-Void Terra Firma...Sound a bit like Testament Voivod-first 2 albums are raw, furious, thrash onslaughts. Forbidden.... nobody has mentioned the mighty Forbidden. Every member, except the singer, have been in Slayer, Testament, Nevermore. Liege Lord's singer, Joe Comeau has at one...
  20. ramses


    Funny enough, I was listening to his Within The Heat album 2 days ago. Alex Masi is another underrated guitarist.