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  1. L

    Guitarist STEVE SMYTH Parts Ways With NEVERMORE - Aug. 30, 2007

    Hah Haha hahahahahahhahaha. Thanks. i needed that laugh. Did you want to ask for Lenny Rutledge too, while you are at it?
  2. L

    Where was Jim and who was his replacement @ Studio 7 on 8/3/07???

    Yes fer sure. And it's not permanent, just till Jimmy gets betters.
  3. L

    question: how much did you spend to see this gig of nevermore

    $18 cab fare to $40 drinks
  4. L

    studio seven review (starting my own thread, sorry!)

    Timmy was covering for Jim. He's an old friend of theirs. And Pinch is the owner of Studio Seven's band (Tracy). The singer of Pinch is the one they wrote Inside Four Walls for. Fun night. I had a blast.
  5. L

    1- week from today........

    LOL. Are you X-ing out your wall calendar too? It's too easy to torture WD. It loses it's charm quickly. Duck Island? Where the fuck is that? I'm all for the 5 Point myself.:kickass:
  6. L

    Thinking about moving to Seattle ... Got some questions....

    Don't let degrees fool you. Just cause you have book larnin don't mean yer smrt. I agree w/Nightshade on the glitter helmet special part of the driving. But it's my theory that Seattlites (especially transplants from CA - yes I went there) can't drive in weather. Any weather. They get...
  7. L

    Scooter Libby won't go to jail

    No. I never expected he'd see the inside of a jail cell. Just one more indication that this is one motherfucking corrupt government.
  8. L

    I just got my flight......

    I swear I will be there this time. Fo' reals.
  9. L

    NEVERMORE Frontman To Begin Recording Solo Debut In August

    If you don't come during rush hour, Studio Seven is *maybe* 20 minutes from the airport. Map of S7 map with hotels Not much close.
  10. L

    You know that Garmin commercial?

    I think it's freaking hysterical; especially with the music.
  11. L

    Art Thread

    My hard drive crashed, taking all the images I had of my jewelry. :(
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    Post your desktops! (Version Idon'tfuckingcare)

    Not showing it in situ due to it being work and all.
  13. L

    On Warrel's myspace...

    I made the cut. It must be about bands and boobs.
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    I don't have a penis so this is all just my opinion. I do think it's mutilation. It was grown there for some reason and lopping it off due to antiquated health concerns is wrong. I had a friend who almost had himself circumcized at the age of 25. His cunt of a girl friend told him because of...
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    Who's going to Seattle Metalfest?

    crap. I completely forgot that was coming up. I'm going to try.
  16. L

    For Karen...

    Like Späten better
  17. L


    Ah. I'm sure I would love it, I'll see about renting it.
  18. L

    yo, Lioness, thank you so much!!!

    I gots my card yesterday! Anytime you come to Seattle I'll take you out for those martinis.
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    Warrel needs to put some meat on them bones.

    Heh. No. That's my point. This place is often full of dumb post speculating about inane topics and using the odd quote or pictures to start a "discussion". That's why I equated it w/the National Enquirer. Chris is officially part of NM now? Steph?
  20. L

    Stephen Colbert is metal

    Youtube is your best friend regarding Stephen Colbert. He did a speech at the Republican Correspondents dinner and lampooned all of the Republican Party as they sat there. Colbert can have my babies as far as I'm concerned. dinner Pt1 YouTube - part 1 - Stephen Colbert (part 1 of 3) dinner...