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    Best headbanging Opeth riffs?

    8:41 in Forest of October
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    What is you IQ?

    Nah, man, I just implied that I got a bad score. Your test was great!
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    What is you IQ?

    I didn't like this test :(
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    What is you IQ?

    Well, where is it?
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    some rare opeth stuff for sale

    Yes! But it's a collectors item!!!
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    everybody from london ok?

    1. Firstly, the US does not give the most charity in the world. In total it does, but not when compared to GDP. Secondly, where does half of this money go? Saudi Arabia, Egypt, El Salvador? 2. You say: "When Americans are killed, aka 9/11, Americans who lost personal friends, relatives...
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    everybody from london ok?

    Was that post directed at me? [Edit] Ah, obviously
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    everybody from london ok?

    Still don't get it. You say: X - The horrific nature of the attack (planes flying into buildings), X - The falling and total loss of those buildings X - The sheer shock of the unexpected are something truly unique. X - This event shaped world politics. was what made 9/11 memorable...
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    everybody from london ok?

    But I thought you meant like 9/11 lead to the Patriot Act, war in Iraq and Afghanistan, change in american foreign policy and such? Was that not what you meant?
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    everybody from london ok?

    You are right, it would be quite a lenghty discussion. Just wish to point out the the few wedding-bombings that occured were in Afghani village, where, as a tradition, the participants were firing in the air. American fighterplanes, experiencing this as a threat, bombed. Thus my view of the...
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    everybody from london ok?

    Let's take the overthrow of the Shah in Iran as an example :) X - All foreign companies arethrown out of the country. X - Americans are taken hostage. X - USA looses an important ally in the Middle East. X - Iran is no longer a turist attraction. X - Britain loose all claim to iranian...
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    everybody from london ok?

    Well, in that case the insurgants might not kill civilians too. We will never know if it was the Americans bombing the weddings in Afghanistan, or civilians in villages (as they did and admitted last week), or the insurgants who miraculously attained airplanes. I'm talking about the numbers...
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    everybody from london ok?

    I mainly meant civil wars, oppressive regimes, ordinary wars, natural catastrophies.
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    everybody from london ok?

    I made that comparison of 40 british VS 40 000 iranians for a "fhare" who kept japping about 40 people dying and that we should all be outraged. The way they died is of no consequence to me, as I don't live there. "The fact that the Muslim community is not outraged over this (and they arn't...
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    everybody from london ok?

    That's how it is with everybody. Unless it's americans or brittish who die. Then everybody have to express their symphaties and what-not or else you're a muslim terrorist and mean. A week after 9/11 (the WTC falling) we had a "quiet moment" at school. The next week 3000 people died in an...
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    some rare opeth stuff for sale still has a few copies of the Ulver/Mysticum split.
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    hahaahahahah, I wish i'd heard it :grin:
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    Hey, what happened to the "Baying of the Hound - Clip"-thread?? :confused:
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    Hey, what happened? You never asked?
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    By the way, is there anyway to get Superstatic Equilibrium?