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  1. Kiss The Void

    What is the most fucked up thing you have done to someone?

    I can't tell you how many times I've cut a fart whilst sexing.
  2. Kiss The Void

    What is the most fucked up thing you have done to someone?

    Haha, that makes it sound like hours after the fact you'd finally notice. "oh...oh arm is broken!"
  3. Kiss The Void

    Ne Obliviscaris

    Anyone heard this band yet? They're from Australia and they've only got a "demo" out. It's not quite a demo so much as an EP with how long it is and how high in quality. They're referred to as "progressive black metal" but they're more prog than black metal by a longshot. Look them up...
  4. Kiss The Void

    What is the most fucked up thing you have done to someone?

    haha, one time this dude that was all roided out flipped out at my friends house and started hitting my friend. So I stood up and told the guy to stop. He did that thing where he threw his arms out to the side did the "come on motherfucker" and wanted to bump chests with me. So I grabbed his...
  5. Kiss The Void

    Pew Pew! (Photo of my new pea shooter.)

    Have you shot anything with it yet?
  6. Kiss The Void

    What is the most fucked up thing you have done to someone?

    Also, I once pissed in a friend Powerade bottle on accident and when he ran out of the room and threw up over the balcony I didn't cop to having been the culprit "someone pissed in my powerade!" "awww damn that sucks!"
  7. Kiss The Void

    What is the most fucked up thing you have done to someone?

    I once beat the living shit out of a friend of mine for telling me he wasn't going to pay me back. It was over a sum of 4 dollars. lawl.
  8. Kiss The Void

    Let's make fun of people's MySpaces accounts!

    i've got a GOOD one for you guys. this fucking loser is in this shitty poser ass band from my town, they claim to be black metal, but as you'll find out they don't even really know what black metal is. here's his page, notice all the awesome weapons he has! the guy just looks like a fucking...
  9. Kiss The Void

    What the shit?

    lawl x 10
  10. Kiss The Void

    musicians...what is your practice regimen?

    i practice 3 to 5 times a week for 2 hours at a time, plus whatever i do at work when the mood strikes me.
  11. Kiss The Void

    This is for my most favorite girl ever

    i'm starting to feel the same way, the only sodas i enjoy now are like rootbeer and cream soda or other hand crafted sodas
  12. Kiss The Void

    Post a picture of your favorite rpg and a brief explanation

    i played 8 for maybe an hour, i couldn't stand it.
  13. Kiss The Void

    The New Opeth....uhhh

    i've always sarded this band, and with every release they put out i sard even more. i don't think they're bad per se, but i just think there's way better shit out there.
  14. Kiss The Void

    This is for my most favorite girl ever

    the only MD i like is code red, and that's only sometimes. the rest of them fucking suck. especially baja blast. do you guys remember the purple one? i forget what it was called, some shit about midnight or some other such business
  15. Kiss The Void

    quote, some band member said this

    I love FNM, but i've never understood why so many people jerked off over them and mike patton in general. oh, and about the adverse reaction to my sword/wolfmother guys like the sword, fine, what i've heard of the band samed like it was spewed from the same hipster...
  16. Kiss The Void

    Went to see Obituary yesterday

    yeah, they do fucking kick ass. i saw them shortly after West left the band and they even kicked ass as a 4 piece.
  17. Kiss The Void

    Post a picture of your favorite rpg and a brief explanation

    This is my favorite old school RPG, it was for the sega, it was the first and one of the only to not limit your characters to only a few, i think you could have 12 on screen and left over reserves. and was one of the first and only games where terrain came into play in combat strategy. i would...
  18. Kiss The Void

    Girls + Guns = ?

    i like big jugs no matter what chick they come on.
  19. Kiss The Void

    Behemoth - Sventevith (Storming the Baltic)

    actually, what i said was more correct.
  20. Kiss The Void

    classix metal lp's

    vinyl is making a comeback, it's now a "cool" thing to do, more so than ever.