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  1. Rocky Raccoon

    How dark should Opeth get?

    One Big Ass Mistake America is that what you really think dude?
  2. Rocky Raccoon

    New Interview

  3. Rocky Raccoon

    New Interview

    buhaha your too easy and to anal, its funny as fuck!!!
  4. Rocky Raccoon

    new dream theater album

    Listening now, the first song cranks pretty hard. blast beats buhaha!
  5. Rocky Raccoon

    New Interview

    Thats the correct grammical way here in NZ fyi
  6. Rocky Raccoon

    Dimmu Borgir

    he is
  7. Rocky Raccoon

    New Interview

    Fuck your a retard !!!!!! It woulda taken way less effort to just click the link and find out!!!
  8. Rocky Raccoon


    Pretty sure the thread didnt say Attn Chilean opeth fans tbh
  9. Rocky Raccoon


    Hi guys Just thought I'd post this here as well as Trade Me. I have an Opeth personalised plate for sale if anyone is interested. Viewable here:- Cheers!:grin:
  10. Rocky Raccoon

    Female singers

  11. Rocky Raccoon

    buy Mike an album thread

    Why in the fuck would you get him an album like the white album or Brave Murder day or crimson when he clearly owns all these and has heard them a million times? I swear the average IQ on this board gets lower everytime I come here!
  12. Rocky Raccoon

    Someone explain the subgenres of Electronic music

    Fuck yea would love to, will only be naming top artists... Liquid:- Klute (my liquid fav) DJ Marky (my favourite DJ overall, one of the few DnB artists who scratches) High Contrast Commix Shapeshifter (from New Zealand woohoo, and they play...
  13. Rocky Raccoon

    Someone explain the subgenres of Electronic music

    Although this is true, there is no break beat, which is what I love in dance music like Drum n Bass Dub Step etc.
  14. Rocky Raccoon

    Female singers

    I see your still a fucking idiot:lol: Good female singers and metal don't really go together. Good female singers in general would be:- Bjork Joni Mitchell Carole King Ani Defranco Fiona Apple M.I.A Grace Slick etc.
  15. Rocky Raccoon

    Hip hop or reggae influences in opeth

    Name one other artist who single handedly defines a whole genre of music? (as well as a religious movement but thats beside the point)
  16. Rocky Raccoon

    Hip hop or reggae influences in opeth

    Hmmm Im having a bit of trouble with yoru grasp of the english language, so I think I just won't bother to comment coz Im probably mis-interpreting you. Where are you from dude?
  17. Rocky Raccoon

    Someone explain the subgenres of Electronic music

    Download the "mixes" on this DJs page. They are all live and totally kick ass, start with "Cannibalistic" Hes basically an awesome DnB DJ who loves the heavier side as well as loving metal etc.
  18. Rocky Raccoon

    Someone explain the subgenres of Electronic music

    P.S If there is a style with "Acid" tacked ont he start, its basically a weird version of that genre in some respect. I guess its used kinda the same as avante garde is often used or even prog or Phycadelic to an extent..
  19. Rocky Raccoon

    Someone explain the subgenres of Electronic music

    Well take Drum n Bass for example (my fav) Squarepsuher are kinda Jazzy drum n bass with a bit of Avarte Garde. DnB is just like metal really, lotsa different sub-genres. Drum n Bass eveolved from Acid House in the 80's which was basically weird house music with different drum patterns to...
  20. Rocky Raccoon

    Hip hop or reggae influences in opeth

    Metallica are good, Korn & Linkin park aren't.