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  1. rabies

    Update Thread

    Wow... Mr Hyde! Long time no see! Nefilim! Same to you! it is almost like old times! I did get mindcrime 2..listened to about half so far...didn't grab my attention yet..not sure why..I probably expect too much. I'll give it another chance soon. I'd have to get all my recording stuff back in...
  2. rabies

    Update Thread

    I don't remember you going on too many drunken internet postings on THIS site anyway... I do seem to recall some threads on the maiden board...
  3. rabies

    Update Thread

    Wow. I hate to say it, but until I got an email from Virus a couple days ago, I had almost forgotten about the IMG! :( It has been years since i checked here, I had to dig back to find the URL and my password! Such a shame..we had such a great thing going here. What have I been doing...
  4. rabies

    happy holidays

    Happy Holidays to you guys..and anybody else who may wander back and see this! ..and I am up for paschendale of the first songs I learned to play off hte new album!
  5. rabies

    New Bike

    Thanks guys, I've been finding myself leave work a bit early, and taking the long scenic routes home. :)
  6. rabies

    new nose

    Holy Crap! Is insurance going to cover all of that? You could go buy a new car with that kinda money! ..and more importantly, did the surgery change your singing voice at all? Dunno where you are in the healing process man, but hope everything goes well.
  7. rabies

    New Bike

    Just posting to see if anybody checks on here now and again. I do, but have not had much to post. Also, I just bought a brand new motorcycle. I had one before, but it stopped running on me nearly 6 years ago and I have not ridden since. I got the 2004 Yamaha FZ1 - and I am having a blast out...
  8. rabies

    Week 1

    Man is it dead in here! Tennessee at Miami - Miami Arizona at St. Louis - Arizona Baltimore at Cleveland - Baltimore Cincinnati at N.Y. Jets - Cincinnati Detroit at Chicago - Chicago Jacksonville at Buffalo - Jacksonville Oakland at Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh San Diego at Houston -...
  9. rabies

    3rd Annual NFL Football Poll

    I'm in. What the hell.
  10. rabies

    Going Under...

    Still have not heard from EC.
  11. rabies

    Does anyone know how to play Dee?

    There are a couple parts on that song I have seen transcribed a dozen ways. I'd like to see what your tab shows. I'll shoot you an email shortly.
  12. rabies

    ...And justice for all/...And taking requests!

    Meds, I'll put in a request for any Maiden song off their new DoD album. I've been learning those for fun..and pretty much can play half the album at this point.
  13. rabies

    Previous Projects

    Oh dear...kind words. Thanks. Maybe I'll do some more...if we can get songs rolling again.
  14. rabies

    Previous Projects

    Total Eclipse was finished 100%...both a karaoke version and a version with vocals by yours truly! *cringe* I think the karaoke version of the track was one of the better sounding ones. I was pretty happy with my mix on that.
  15. rabies

    Previous Projects

    Which ones in particular? You sounded pretty good on some of the later ones...Total Eclipse comes to mind.
  16. rabies

    ...And justice for all/...And taking requests!

    Medsy, My email is/was But that account gets about 175 spam messages a day...only about 160 of which are filtered properly. Send it to I get no spam there.
  17. rabies

    ...And justice for all/...And taking requests!

    You have a finished copy of everything for and justice for all? Or you just have a finished drum track? Send me the drum track if you can. I'll have to (re)learn the song. :) ..and if you get a chance, you should snap some pics of your shed/studio and show us what ya got!
  18. rabies

    Hello out there!

    Excellent IC. Once EC and myself get the website squared away, I'll try to update it with some of the later songs. To be blunt, not all that many were done after sightings of you started to decline...but there were at least a few.
  19. rabies

    Going Under...

    EC, If you sent an email...I either accidentally deleted it, or I never got it. The account must get about 150 spam messages a it is getting hard to find legit emails. You guys can now also email me at No spam there......yet.
  20. rabies

    Hello out there!

    Medsy and IC! wow..MM comes in and posts..and look who else comes out of the woodwork! ;) Glad to see you guys still check in now and again..and are doing well! The few of us left who check in on a regular basis were starting to get lonely!