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  1. Eddies cellmate


    Nah, I'm just a jackass without nearly enough time for this as I want... :wave:
  2. Eddies cellmate

    new nose

    Haha, I used to get that "vibration" while singing backgrounds too... my sinuses are terrible... and I'd end up sneezing into the mic, haha. Oh, and HI ALL! :cool:
  3. Eddies cellmate

    more potential good news

    Awesome! :rock:
  4. Eddies cellmate

    Hello out there!

    :eek: MM!!! Damn man, how you been?!??! It's been, umm... eons! haha Glad to hear from ya! Wow! :rock:
  5. Eddies cellmate

    paying for software

  6. Eddies cellmate

    paying for software

    I've always kept a backup copy of the older versions of n-track for just this reason. At least I'm certain it'll work! :u-huh:
  7. Eddies cellmate

    Is There Anybody Out There!

    My wife thinks I'm "out there". Not sure what she means though... :err:
  8. Eddies cellmate

    Some potential good news

    I sure didn't mean to do that! ;)
  9. Eddies cellmate

    Going Under...

    I sure can Rabs, thanks. I had checked in a few weeks ago to see what was developing, but UM seemed to be having some downtime then. I'm glad that you guys are still enthusiastic. :rock: I hope very much that together we can get back to work and maybe even get some projects started again...
  10. Eddies cellmate

    Has anything officially happened with the IMG yet?

    Boo! :goggly: Sorry, I've been insanely busy lately, as usual, heh. Hope you're all doing well! This is the first thread I've read, so I'm out of the loop too. Let me do a little catch up reading and I'll post again.
  11. Eddies cellmate

    Going Under...

    Yea, I borrowed the title from one of my favorite new bands, but it's relevant. :erk: This is the thing... we need to decide to pay Mark for more web space or not. It's only $80 per year, and that's a great deal. But, the thing is... I can't really take the lead anymore. (Duh, huh? hehe)...
  12. Eddies cellmate

    Bruce's rant from L.A. Saturday.

    That's about as sad-assed as it gets. Bruce said it best...why pay money to see an act you feel hostile towards? I can think of loads of performers I'd like to throw something at, but you won't find me at thier concerts.
  13. Eddies cellmate

    What do you think of Maiden's touring schedule?

    Thanks for the link Mr.Hyde... a very interesting interview. :cool: I guess it kinda sums up our thoughts perfectly.
  14. Eddies cellmate

    What do you think of Maiden's touring schedule?

    I agree Mr.Hyde. And really from a marketing standpoint, they only need to look at BNWs numbers to see that there's still loads of sales to be made by drumming up support through touring the US on a large scale. In fact, here in Pittsburgh "Wildest Dreams" got a pretty warm reception...
  15. Eddies cellmate

    What do you think of Maiden's touring schedule?

    I've had a sneaking suspicion that Maiden doesn't feel it's a priority to play the new stuff in the US anymore. I hate to say it, but they probably got the impression from the loads of cement heads here who (reportedly) booed the new stuff while screaming for Run to the Hills for the 50...
  16. Eddies cellmate

    Sorry for checking in lately

    Constantine, very sorry to hear about your Father. :erk: Hopes and prayers for you and your family.
  17. Eddies cellmate

    Week 9

    LOL, the way the Steelers are playing this year, I couldn't blame ya one bit! :erk: Wanted to apologize for dropping out of this, btw...but it became obvious for awhile there that I wouldn't be making in to post my pics every week, and I didn't want to get the whole thing off track.
  18. Eddies cellmate

    broke my hand

    Damn Rabs, sorry to hear that! Do whatever you can to help it heal up correctly! Being a construction worker myself, I can relate...I am always trying my best to keep my hands in decent shape, though it's hard to do in this business!
  19. Eddies cellmate

    Where the hell is EC?

    Hi guys, everything's just fine, thanks for the concern. :) I've been simply buried in things to get done, and have been out of town on most weekends. That's coming to an end soon, though and I'm slowly but surely getting things off of my plate and freeing up my time again. I'll be here and...
  20. Eddies cellmate

    Week 2

    WEEK 2 Sunday, Sep. 14 Buffalo at Jacksonville Detroit at Green Bay Miami at N.Y. Jets San Francisco at St. Louis Washington at Atlanta Seattle at Arizona Denver at San Diego Chicago at Minnesota Cleveland at Baltimore Houston at New Orleans Pittsburgh at Kansas City Tennessee at...