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  1. WNxScythe

    Songs currently kicking your ass.

    Recent find but this song blows me away. The drumming is punk, the vocals are riot grrrl-ish but the riffs are basically straight BM. Wish I could find more punk/black stuff like this, usually it's all crust which has so far been uninteresting to me: FWIW most of the rest of their material...
  2. WNxScythe

    Anyone here listen to breakcore?

    This is a pretty awesome genre, it's so far removed from what I'm used to and of any music I listen to it stands up by far the best to repeated listens since it's so beat driven. Only thing I can think of that compares to it in terms of re-listenability is Gorguts - Obscura pretty much. It...
  3. WNxScythe

    Riffs like those on "Lawless Darkness"?

    I know Watain gets shit on a lot but I really like the riffs they use on this album (it's also present on some of their other albums but not pulled off quite as well IMO). I want to say it's kind of punk-y? I'm having trouble putting my finger on what it is exactly but I think it's often a...
  4. WNxScythe

    Black Metal.

    This is a recent jewel I found... (with a kickass cover - just bought this on vinyl): Not into the vocals (though they definitely do add a "sickly" element to the very bleak atmosphere) but everything else is fucking magical. Definitely my best find in at least 6 months.
  5. WNxScythe

    Black Metal.

    Killer unsigned band I came across recently:
  6. WNxScythe

    Black Metal.

    Also chw
  7. WNxScythe

    Black Metal.

    Don't know how no one's mentioned Emperor yet. Check out their first two. And +1 to Pure Holocaust, though you may find later Immortal easier to get into. Pure Holocaust is their best though by far. Speaking of Darkthrone though, they're one band that's never really clicked with me except for...
  8. WNxScythe

    Looking for Ravencult - Temples of Torment

    If you own a scratch-free copy of the CD, please PM me. I need this album.
  9. WNxScythe


    Also - more stoner rock than anything else but some of their stuff is pretty doomy...:
  10. WNxScythe

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    Ok so I think "Cold Steel..." is definitely my favorite D666 album now. Had been Wolves (which is still fantastic) but Cold Steel is just a punch in the face from the get go till the end. Only negative is the production isn't as solid as Wolves'.
  11. WNxScythe

    Songs currently kicking your ass.

    I'm still partial to Unchain the Wolves... but yeah definitely gives it a run for its money. BM is so fucking beautiful. I'm just glad I'm alive when tremolo picking distorted guitar exists.
  12. WNxScythe


    Most thrash doesn't appeal to me (other than D666) but I really dig this: Can anyone point me to stuff in a similar vein?
  13. WNxScythe

    What albums mark a sad moment in metal?

    Emperor - IX Equilibrium. I actually like this album, but the overproduced sound alone separated it from its forbears. Not on the same plane basically. When I listen to Anthems I'm on another planet.
  14. WNxScythe

    Mentality of a beginning metalhead.

    This post is a bit old, but I gotta know - what do you teach?
  15. WNxScythe

    Songs currently kicking your ass.

    Probably my favorite Enslaved song.
  16. WNxScythe

    Mentality of a beginning metalhead.

    You might like drum n bass. Some of it is pretty nuts: Both of the albums those two tracks come from have some of my favorite drumming work ever. Just mindblowing.
  17. WNxScythe

    Mentality of a beginning metalhead.

    I was a huge music snob in high school. Now I binge on pop punk. I've actually been getting into punk more lately and it's funny to see the same elitism that is rampant in metal showing up under a different guise, though in punk it seems to be more about how distanced you are from major record...
  18. WNxScythe

    Black Metal.

    Anyone else absolutely hate bluesy solos in BM? I'm already skeptical about solos being present in any form in BM (I think the way Emperor handles it on ATTWAD is as good as it gets), but bluesy solos just grate on my ears. It sounds so completely out of place. I've been getting back into "Below...