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  1. Dobbit

    Rod Tyler at his best

    I voted for Shades Of Grey, but A Lesson Before Dying was a close one. I think normally A Lesson Before Dying would be it for me, but I'm in a bummed out mood so Shades Of Grey and sappy songs like that do it for me.
  2. Dobbit

    underated Iron Maiden songs

    By far my favorite Maiden track, and what I consider to be their most underrated song is The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner. Great music, and great lyrics, I think the lyrics are what makes it my favorite. I'd do anything to hear that song played live.
  3. Dobbit

    Humbucker From Hell

    I love the one I have. You wont sound like you're playing a Strat with it, but it does have a nice sound somewhat reminiscent of a single coil though. It is very very clean sounding though.
  4. Dobbit

    Romeo's studio

    Ah, ok, thanks! Any idea where I might be able to find out more about this? And about how much would it set me back? I use N-track Studio to record with, its a pretty cheap program, which is why I got it, lol. Any outboard gear/audio interface that is compatible with anything or something?
  5. Dobbit

    Romeo VS Lombardo

    I think the real question is, who can mash potato and do the twist better?
  6. Dobbit

    Romeo's studio

    Would any of you happen to know what he has for a soundcard to get a low latency and clean sounding recording? Or what would be needed to just get a low latency clean sounding recording?
  7. Dobbit

    OT: Cloning of dead pets?

    Actually, in laboratory experiments, many simple organic compounds and protiens have been created, by re-creating the conditions of Earth's early atmosphere. A living organism hasn't be made, but progress has been made to point in the direction of how those first cells came into existence.
  8. Dobbit

    OT: Cloning of dead pets?

    I don't think people would see a 'cheapening' of life because of that. People KNOW that clones aren't going to be exactly the same because they'll have different memories. The behavior may be similar or the same, but wouldn't have the same memories. A human clone would be the most obvious in...
  9. Dobbit

    OT: Cloning of dead pets?

    Everyone has their own opinions. I don't see an ethical problem with cloning. I don't see humans creating other beings as being wrong. I don't see why it would cheapen the 'value of life' if thats what you'd like to call it. They are still living creatures. Nothing can change that they're...
  10. Dobbit

    the most "metal" piece

    Judas Priest - Painkiller
  11. Dobbit

    OT: Cloning of dead pets?

    Meh, I guess I'll put in my 2 cents here. Firstly, I reject the notion of a soul and I'm an absolute athiest, so the arguements about the sanctity of life and the moral ethics (mainly the religious arguements) having to do with cloning don't concern me at all. I think if someone wants to...
  12. Dobbit

    How do you pronounce...

    My vote goes for 'five' since it is their 5th album. But I always call it 'Vee' for shorthand when talking to my friends anyways.
  13. Dobbit

    Megadeth show in Philly

    Yeah, I saw the Megadeth show on saturday in Boston. Godly show, I agree with Ayreon Guardian X, it was the second best show I've been to. With only the Blind Guardian /Symphony X show at the Worcester Palladium being better.
  14. Dobbit

    Mike The New Beethoven?

    If anyone wants to bring up classical music in metal, Burzum are/were most certainly not at the forefront. If anything, and I don't claim this to be an end all be all answer, I'd say Symphony X is WAY up there in terms of incredible writing skills. Listen to The Odyssey, Mike Romeo's studied...
  15. Dobbit

    I'm trying to think of some awesome band names

    HAHA, SB rules, Dokken dude!! How totally awesome is that?! And for Jenova Birth, wasn't that from Final Fantasy VII or something? Or was it from anywhere else? Either way, thats hilarious that someone is using it, since all I think when I hear it is FF VII
  16. Dobbit

    Sorry guys... Amps.

    I have a Line 6 Flextone III, incredible machine. Their versatility is incredible, IMO, you can't go wrong with one. But they are expensive, Line 6 is generally excellent though.
  17. Dobbit

    Off-topic: Post your jokes here

    AH! AH! AH! I have a good one, Ready?! Women's Rights!
  18. Dobbit

    Symbyosis new album: pre-order campaign

    Goddamn I wish I had a credit card or something so I could order this album. Is this really not coming out if the pre-orders aren't reached or whatnot?
  19. Dobbit

    Who's stuff is the most difficult to play (bass)

    After looking at all of those names, I have to ask, where is Stu Hamm? His tapping stuff is seriously hard, and he plays with just about everyone. STUUUUU!
  20. Dobbit

    Off topic - Corny comebacks

    erhm.... "You idiot, you stupid idiot!" and "Idiot head" as well as "dorky head" are some of my favorites.