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  1. Dr_Extreem

    Darker Half

  2. Dr_Extreem

    Post your bands photos here....

    Hey dudes and dudettes. Just played a gig and thought I'd share some pics with you. And please don't hesitate to show me some cool pics of your bands. Live photos would be SHPADOINKLE. My band is a silly band, hence the outfit. We basically just play silly metal and rock but are expanding...
  3. Dr_Extreem

    The lovely lines in the sky....

    I can recomend you to a book.... "Using your eyes for fucking idiots!"
  4. Dr_Extreem

    The lovely lines in the sky....

    We played a gig last weekend and I shit you not man, we got sprayed over 50 times! We got a photo of a crazy one. And yes, they stayed in the skies for over an hour so it was pretty fucked. Pretty big aye?
  5. Dr_Extreem

    The lovely lines in the sky....

    confused?? Take a look at your sky every now and again. I'm not sure how it is in Germany. I know England is really bad...
  6. Dr_Extreem

    The lovely lines in the sky....

    Anyone ever looked up at the sky and wondered what those planes were doing? Just making a single line then stopping. Then going around and doing another, then another, then another..... Do you ever look up? I wonder what that is they are spraying us with? Aluminum Oxide maybe? But I...
  7. Dr_Extreem

    What is wrong with Yngwie Malmsteen?

    Dragon force?? Sweet! You're the Burger King! In Australia we have hungry Jacks (Don't know if its there) I'm a manager in this evil corporation. Nice AV tho dude
  8. Dr_Extreem

    Anyone interested in making a net band?

    sweet. That would be good. Im keen to start asap so do this... Go to this forum i have made for this project..... FORUM. Right at the top there you will see the ULTIMATE METAL PROJECT thing. I need everyone who is interested to join that topic. It makes things a lot easier. peace The Good Doctor
  9. Dr_Extreem

    Anyone interested in making a net band?

    Doesn't seem like we have a drummer anymore.... Anyone else keen?
  10. Dr_Extreem

    What is wrong with Yngwie Malmsteen?

    I should have used quotes..... that is shit he was saying. Now stanley jordan is a good geetarist
  11. Dr_Extreem

    What is wrong with Yngwie Malmsteen?

    Look man, malmsteen is a great musician. It does sound very one dimensional but the is a crazy sweep lord! some of the shit ive seen him play is incredible... but ive heard and seen some fucked up shit. I dont know you guys guys have heard of DUNGEON (Amazing Power metal band from Australia...
  12. Dr_Extreem

    Anyone interested in making a net band?

    obviously we wouldnt play gigs... I'm going to make a forum soon for this. The members will have access to a server and there we shall discuss and make songs about whatever we want. There is a Temporary section on a forum of mine. I recomend joining the forum and letting me know if you are in...
  13. Dr_Extreem

    (Melodic) Death Metal

    Sweet man! I'm listening to After The Stor now. This is pretty good man. I like the guitars they are quite nice. Good solo. The drums are great too! Although I think you could speed it up a little sometimes... Just my opinion! Otherwise great song dude! :rock: Metal is good. You might like a...
  14. Dr_Extreem

    Bone Crushing Thrash Metal

    Not fuckin bad man. Metal is good. Its a shame soundclick is a shit site. Check out our Boust metal song Cheers The Good Doctor
  15. Dr_Extreem

    samples of our heavy stuff...whatchathink?

    awesome shit man! Metal is good. Penguin Holocaust Metal song about raping and killing penguins. Cheers The Good Doctor
  16. Dr_Extreem

    Penguin Holocaust - Live is good

    If you like Heavy heavy metal, then you will like this song. Please let me know what ya'll think. :rock: Incase you wanted the lyrics.... Penguin Holocaust ----------------- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (Verse 1) All of these penguins Are really cold That is...
  17. Dr_Extreem

    Anyone got any songs of your band playing live? Please send !

    I've just recently recorded our band live and there are several things wrong with the mix. I would like a few songs from other bands so that I can analyse it and compare it with our song so we can sort out something for next time. You help is much appreciated If you would like any of our live...