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  1. G

    Help Get Infinity Minus One On The Airwaves! its a pretty good NH rock station
  2. G

    Already swamping AAF with email

    If nothing else WAAF will be haunted by Infinity Minus One. If asking politely doesn't work we can band together and pull an Airheads stunt and hold the radio station hostige. :hotjump: :hotjump:
  3. G

    Forecast for Sat. Aug 28

    The forecast for saturday calls for a sprinkling of genious and 100% chance of DOOM. Yes doom, for you people reading this that won't be there. If you are not hooked up to machines in an intensive care unit somewhere you better be there. If your are in the intesive care unit your too late...
  4. G

    Aug 18th show kicked my ass

    I saw a different level of intensity on stage that night. First of all Kurt I love the yellow pants, but whats up with the Vancouver jersey. You need a Boston jersey. I'll let it slide this time because of the dedication to my clique. It's only a matter of time before you guys explode like some...
  5. G

    For those of you who haven't witnessed IMO live

    First of all if you are reading this and have not been to a show be very ashamed of yourself. Don't get me wrong I love a private concert, but your not being fair to yourself. You have no idea what you are missing. I don't want any excuses, get off your ass and support the next biggest thing in...
  6. G

    What time is the show on 8/16?

    What time do you guys go on
  7. G


    Where are my pics BIATCH!! :yow:
  8. G

    Secret news about InfinityMinusOne

    So it turns out that IMO is actually a traveling group of gay pornstars. Think about it, IMO Intense Man Orgy's, it just makes sense. OK, maybe this is untrue, but i dare anyone to find a more talented group of musicians. If anyone is reading this and has not seen these guys play live you should...
  9. G

    Aug. 1 show!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Finally an engineer that knows what the hell they are doing. The guy from the show was great. IMO never sounded so good live. The harmonies sounded amazing, everything was tight and clean. Can't wait for the 18'th