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  1. R

    well i lost my opeth-virginity tonight

    I was at the show and the sound was not that great. The bass drum was up so loud that it drowned everything out when there was double bass action, which was often. The vocals were too low, and Fredrik was also too low. Oh well. They played great and the set-list was as good as it could get...
  2. R

    The Lotus Eater

    So I just listened to this for the first time and I can't stop laughing. This song is so good. Holy fuck. The SW riff fits in the song so perfectly. The whole thing is like a glove for my brain. Hard to explain, but there it is :goggly:
  3. R

    Porcelain Heart

    I actually really liked the chaotic drum part. PH is fucking spot on.
  4. R

    Blackwater Park Vs Still Life

    How can one even fathom comparing them? And I don't believe that you can compare the songs like that. It's about the collection of songs. I love Still Life's raw brutality and I love BWP's beautiful way they can be compared.
  5. R

    Paradise Lost on

    I gotta say I'm a big fan of ff9... but, then, I love each of them for their own reasons.'s sad that ff was such a big part of my life as a kid/teen
  6. R

    Symphony X's new dark look

    Lepond looks fucking badass. That is all.
  7. R

    Purchases you were really fucking disappointed with?

    Kinda late, but I must...holy crap.
  8. R

    The Complete Idiot's Guide To: Buying Guitars

    I think your best bet would be an Ibanez with the Double Edge Trem. I think if you go to you can get a 1280x for about $900. This is a great all around guitar... the piezo bridge is especially useful if you want something that is actually comparable to an acoustic guitar.
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    music theory books

    probably your best bet would be to go on and see what they have...and i would get a couple so that you have some options if one doesnt present the same info as another
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    Classical works you'd like to hear SymX do?

    i just played rach's prelude in g-minor...op.23...i looove awesome. yeah i would love to hear pinella play that stuff. I was also think NOBM by mossourgsky (sp?), would also be interesting to see how romeo, lepond and pineela could arrange some piano trios...that would be really...
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    More fan art

    what program are you using...3ds max? Looks pretty damned good. see the list at the bottom...nevermind then..nice job though, thats some quality work.
  12. R

    "Darker" than The Odyssey ¡?

    Romeo is an absolute genius when it come to orchestration...but then Pinnella is by no means bad either. But i think that Pinnella's role is not that of a bunch of string players, but a keyboard player. Hard to explain, but i like it how it is, and the think that the Odyssey has plenty of...
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    "Darker" than The Odyssey ¡?

    you people just hae too much time on your hands to owrry about this stuff, its Symphony x, they will make it good.
  14. R

    maple vs rosewood

    i know it isnt the 6100...i bought it used...but they look like mediums to though, i have to get it either refretted or just get some fret work done...keeps fretting outwhen i lower the action...but i dont usually touch the board either...except if i press too hard on the lower. with...
  15. R

    maple vs rosewood

    i have an ebony board on my esp mirage...i must say that it is easily the smoothest playing board i have ever touched...but then i dont have much else to compare it too. Oh, and the MII's (black with maple) are absolutely sweet. I do kinda have a thing against rosewood, but...
  16. R

    how many years have you occupied this planet

    im 17...metal since i was 12...symphony x since i was 15 :rock:
  17. R

    Romeo's studio

    i kno that for the huge orchestral tracks he is...for lack of a better word, slaving other computers...with nuendo you can do crazy stuff like that.
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    relative pitch

    If you try to work on it from a more instrument oriented view, it will be easier. Once you learn to hear one note, say an E or D, work to derive all of the other notes from that one. There is no way to telll how long, maybe in about a month or two you should be able to hear what each note...
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    michael pinnella's cd

    :worship: ... :rock:
  20. R

    michael pinnella's cd

    it creqtes a feeling that is hard to reproduce with any other album, its freakin incredible...and that scriabin etude is MONTROUSLY difficult.